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 根据大仲马小说《基督山伯爵》改编,该剧描述一个名叫Emily Thorne的神秘女人来到富人云集的汉普顿,租下一栋靠海的房子,对外宣称自己是来度夏的。她很快赢得了邻居的信任。但他们都不知道,这个女人所做的每一件事都有目的--她要让多年前使其家破人亡的Grayson家族血债血偿。

  • 《复仇》第15集 第15期:血汗钱 Well, he's, uh, he's doing quite well 在这样的情况下 given the circumstances. 他表现得很坚强 Sadly, I don't think 遗憾的是 we're ever gonna know exactly what happened on that boat. 我们永远不会知道那船上究竟发生了什么
  • 《复仇》第15集 第16期:深仇大恨 Thanks for all this. 谢谢你的照顾 Don't worry. I'm sending Grayson the bill. 别担心 我会找格雷森家买单的 Did you find anything? 你有什么发现吗 I turned this place upside down. 我把这里翻遍了都没找到 If Amanda real
  • 《复仇》第15集 第17期:情同姐妹 I saw you on TV. I'm sure it wasn't easy 我在电视上看见你了 我知道这不好受 Watching Conrad capitalize on all this. 眼睁睁看着康拉德利用这一切 Here. Let me help you. 我来帮你吧 Thank you. 谢谢 I remember when Amanda
  • 《复仇》第15集 第18期:恶名声 I can't tell you what to do, Padma. 我没法告诉你怎么做 帕德玛 But when they make contact, 但是当他们联系你时 keep in mind 一定记住 that the people that took your dad 抓走你父亲的人 don't have the best track record 为了
  • 《复仇》第15集 第19期:永远爱她的男人 We can trust Aiden. He made the trades. 艾登可信 他完成了交易 A name that was her own, 一个属于她的名字 free from the binds of history... 摆脱了过去的纷扰 Looking forward with a man who loved her for... 追寻一个永远爱她
  • 《复仇》第15集 第20期:不会原谅我 Thank you for coming, 谢谢你的到来 your whole family. You didn't have to do that. 谢谢你们全家 其实不必的 Well, we all wanted to, son. 我们都愿意这么做 孩子 I was, uh, hoping I could come by 我希望下周可以 and visit
  • 《复仇》第16集 第1期:证明自己的忠诚 I have a ton more from the wedding 如果你想打印出来的话 if you need me to print them out. 我还有很多婚礼的照片 Oh, no. I think these will suffice. 不用了 这些就够了 Mom, this idea for a foundation in Amanda's name, 妈妈 以
  • 《复仇》第16集 第2期:保险索赔 I wish that I could expedite the claim on your wife's policy, 我希望可以加快你妻子的保险索赔 but I'm afraid it won't be fully processed 但恐怕只有刑事侦查结束后 until the criminal investigation is closed. 才能进行保险索
  • 《复仇》第16集 第3期:不幸的童年 Hello. 你好 Jack, it's Victoria Grayson. 杰克 我是维多利亚格雷森 I know how difficult this time is for you right now, 我知道这段时间你不好过 so please allow me to be brief. 所以我会长话短说 I appreciate that. 我很感谢
  • 《复仇》第16集 第4期:儿子的教母 My apologies, Mr. James, but this is quite unexpected. 恕我怠慢 詹姆斯先生 真是很意外 Well, as was the news of my sister's death. 得知我妹妹的死讯 我同样很意外 Your daughter Charlotte invited me. 您女儿夏洛特邀请我来
  • 《复仇》第16集 第5期:扫了雅兴 Excuse me. 失陪一下 Hello. 你好 I'm at your house. Where are you? 我在你家里 你在哪 I'm with Victoria. 我和维多利亚在一起 She's putting together a foundation in honor of Amanda. 她正在为纪念阿曼达的基金会筹集资金
  • 《复仇》第16集 第6期:复活 I don't even know him, Nolan. I was 13. 我基本不认识他 诺兰 我当时才13岁 But I highly doubt that 但是我绝对相信 he was in London buying antique books last week. 他上周在伦敦绝不是为了买古籍 Well, you think we could
  • 《复仇》第16集 第7期:最自豪的时刻 Oh, by slapping her name on a charity. 以用她的名字来命名基金的方式 If I recall, you did the exact same thing 如果没记错的话 197次航班炸毁后 when you created the victims united fund 你也做了同样的事 after the crash
  • 《复仇》第16集 第8期:冒大风险 Will you excuse me a second? 失陪一下 Yeah. 好的 What can I do for you? 有什么为你效劳的 Jack, listen, I know I-I hurt you. 杰克 我知道我伤害了你 It was just, um... 只是... kind of hoping that you'd give me another chance. 希
  • 《复仇》第16集 第9期:人间蒸发 You really fell off the map after you did your time. 你出狱之后就人间蒸发了 I mean, I spent years trying to track you down, 近年来我都在寻找你的踪迹 but all I found was a stripper passing herself off as you. 但只找到一个以