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  • 纪录片《我们的地球》 第121期 冰封世界(17) He seems increasingly desperate. It's now or never. 看起来它变得越来越拼命。这是生死关头。 He must avoid the stabbing tusks if he is to win. 它必须躲开戳过来的象牙才能取胜。 The flailing walrus is immensely powerful
  • 纪录片《我们的地球》 第122期 冰封世界(18) At the southern end of our planet, fiery ribbons are illuminating the winter skies. 在我们行星的最南方,火焰一样的极光照亮了冬季的夜空。 The aurora australis. This light brings no warmth to the male penguins, 南极光。这道
  • 纪录片《我们的地球》 第123期 冰封世界(19) The females are returning and their bellies are full with fish. 雌企鹅们回来了,吃了一肚子的鱼回来了。 As they approach, waves of excitement ripple through the huddle. 随着它们脚步的临近,雄企鹅们开始表现出抑制不
  • 纪录片《我们的地球》 第124期 冰封世界(20) This chick is less fortunate, its mother has not returned to claim it. 这是一只不幸的小企鹅,它的妈妈没有来认养它。 Another orphan is searching for a new family, 另一只没妈妈的小企鹅在寻找新家庭, but this femal
  • 纪录片《我们的地球》 第125期 冰封世界(21) By early summer, the chicks are surprisingly well-developed and now look ready to take on the world. 到了初夏,小企鹅已经发育得非常良好,它们已经做好了当上这个世界的主人的准备。 Those that survive their first yea
  • 纪录片《我们的地球》 第126期 辽阔平原(01) Vast open plains. Immense spaces. Eerie silence. 辽阔的草原。广袤无垠。万籁俱寂。 But any feeling of emptiness is an illusion. 然而,你若以为这里死气沉沉,就大错特错了。 The plains of our planet support the greate
  • 纪录片《我们的地球》 第127期 辽阔平原(02) Mongolian gazelle. Two million are thought to live here, but no one really knows. 蒙古瞪羚。共约两百万只瞪羚生活在此处,但具体数量仍不得知。 For much of the time, they're scattered through this vast landscape, 瞪羚在大部
  • 纪录片《我们的地球》 第128期 辽阔平原(03) Fire sparks panic in the herd. 冲天的火光引起了一片恐慌。 Gazelles are born to run, and even young calves easily outpace the flames, 瞪羚是天生的跑步能手,即使是小瞪羚,奔跑速度也快过火势蔓延的速度 if they
  • 纪录片《我们的地球》 第129期 辽阔平原(04) Red-billed quelea. One and a half billion swarm across the savannahs of Africa. 红嘴奎利亚雀。以15亿的数量聚集在非洲的稀树大草原上。 These are the most numerous birds on Earth. 这些鸟是地球上数量最多的鸟。 Some
  • 纪录片《我们的地球》 第130期 辽阔平原(05) Grass is not confined to the tropics. 草不仅生长在热带地区。 It manages to grow even in the bitter conditions of the Arctic. 即使在北极这样恶劣的环境下,草也有办法生存下来。 Beyond the limits of the last tree, the p
  • 纪录片《我们的地球》 第131期 辽阔平原(06) Snow geese. They winter along the Gulf of Mexico, 雪雁。它们在墨西哥湾越冬, and in spring they fly the entire length of North America to reach the Arctic tundra. 等到春天便一路飞过北美洲,来到这里的北极苔原 Five mi
  • 纪录片《我们的地球》 第132期 辽阔平原(07) It's a long way to travel, but for a short period, the tundra is the ideal place for a grazer. 北极的苔原虽然路途遥远,但仍有短短的一段时间是食草动物的天堂。 The grass grows vigorously during the short, intense summer 在
  • 纪录片《我们的地球》 第133期 辽阔平原(08) Further south, other bigger predators prowl the tundra. 在北极苔原更远的南边有更大的掠食动物出没。 Wolves. For them, finding food on the plains is an even greater challenge. 狼。对于狼来说,在茫茫大草原上寻食甚至
  • 纪录片《我们的地球》 第134期 辽阔平原(09) A wolf has finally picked up the trail. The caribou are close. 一头狼终于找到了猎物的痕迹。驯鹿近在眼前。 At last, a chance. The hunt is on. 机会终于来了!猎捕开始了。 The wolf panics the herd, and the weak and young
  • 纪录片《我们的地球》 第135期 辽阔平原(10) Not all food is stored. Some is needed right now. 不是所有的食物都要储藏起来。有些马上就要吃。 She has seven hungry cubs to feed. 这只母狐狸有七只饥饿的小狐狸要喂养。 As their appetites grow, the mother must wo