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  • 看老友记学英语 钱德挖坑自己跳 This is the final boarding call for Flight 664 to Yemen. 飞往也门的664号航班即将起飞,这是最后一次登机广播。好吧,我想我得走了。 Well, I-I guess I gotta go. 我的宾心肝。 Oh, my Bing-a-ling. Ill wait for you. Do
  • 看老友记学英语 肚子里的宝宝想吃肉 Cereal killer. 玉米片杀人狂(音同连续杀人狂) Cereal killer? 玉米片杀人狂? Hey,come on,I say more dunb things before 9 a.m....than most people say all day. 我一早说的蠢话比别人整天说的还多 What? 怎么了? I-I
  • 看老友记学英语 鹦鹉学舌的钱德 What are you writing? 你在写什么? Joshua's coming in tomorrow,and since I don't have the guts to ask him out... 约书亚明天要来 既然我没胆约他 ...I'm gonna sell him a coat and put this note in the pocket. 我决定卖他一件外套
  • 看老友记学英语 落花有意流水无情 Here's that trench coat that you wanted. -Great. 这是你要的风衣 太好了 It's comfortable. 很舒服 You could really flash somebody in this. 这可以用来装变态 No. They don't want you to put your hands in the pockets until you are out
  • 看老友记学英语 醉翁之意不在酒 We have to have a party in five minutes, so everybody cancel your plans. 晚上有派对 其实是5分钟后,有事快取消 What's going on? 你在说什么?怎么回事? We have to have a bon-voyage party for Emily. 我们要帮艾蜜莉办惊喜
  • 看老友记学英语 兄妹俩互相揭短 We should probably get going soon. 我们得赶快走了 But the party's just getting started. 但是派对才刚开始 We have to be at The Four Seasons for drinks in 15 minutes. 我们得在15分钟内 赶去四季餐厅喝酒 Then The Plaza for di
  • 看老友记学英语 要错就要错的漂亮 It doesn't matter how much I'm craving it. 不管我多想吃 You know why I'm never gonna eat meat? Because it's cold-blooded murder. 我绝不吃肉,那是冷血谋杀 Okay. 好 There's a Phoebe on my sandwich! 我的三明治上有菲比 What ar
  • 看老友记学英语 原来互相喜欢 This is not how this was supposed to happen. 事情不该是这样的 What was supposed to happen? 不然应该怎样? Can you not look at me when I say this? 你能不能不要看我? I thought that if I could get you here... 我以为要是能把
  • 看老友记学英语 两个悲惨的loser There you are. I was looking for you. 你在这里,我在找你 Joshua's gone, so you and Emily are free to go. 约书亚走了 你和艾蜜莉可以走了 It's okay. 无所谓 She's still in there enjoying her fake party. 她还在里面享受这场
  • 看老友记学英语 我就知道你爱她 Emily just went to the airport. 艾蜜莉去机场了 Why didn't you take her? 你怎么不送她去? Her uncle had planned to do it. We said our goodbyes this morning. 她舅舅本来就打算送她,我们今天早上道别了 You must feel horrib
  • 看老友记学英语 菲比一下怀3个 您现在的位置: 首页 影视英语 美剧学习 看老友记学英语 正文 《老友记》视听精讲第506期:菲比一下怀3个 时间:2015-01-10 10:52:00 来源:可可英语 编辑:spring ? VIP免费外教试听课 | 可可官方微信:
  • 看老友记学英语 三个孩子,一贫如洗 How'd it go at the doctor's? 产检结果怎样? You know how,when you're walking down the street and you see three people in a row.And you say Oh,that's nice. 当你走在街上看到三个人走成一列,你不是会说真好? Good news! You'll
  • 看老友记学英语 我爱你——谢谢! This is the boarding call for flight 009. 搭乘009班机的旅客请登机 Emily! 艾蜜莉 What are you doing here? 天哪,你怎么来了? I had to see you before you took off. 我得在你走之前再见你一面 You are so sweet. 你真好 T
  • 看老友记学英语 为挣奶粉钱也是拼了 Good,you're here! 太好了,你们都在 What you got there? 你手上拿什么? This? I'm glad you asked. 这个?问得好 Don't you hate to cut a tin can with an ordinary steak knife? 用普通刀子切锡罐 不是很难切吗? I know what
  • 看老友记学英语 原来还有个第三者! Hello. 你好 Ross. -Emily. Hi. 罗斯 艾蜜莉 How was your flight? 旅途还顺利吗? It was dreadful. 很惨 It was terrible how I acted when you said those wonderful things. 你对我告白 我的反应却那么差劲 No,that's all right. 没关