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美国小学英语教材4:第202课 惊喜圣诞(5)

时间:2019-05-28 01:38来源:互联网 提供网友:mapleleaf   字体: [ ]

 When the children went back to the barn with the empty bag, they themselves had a surprise. 当孩子们拿着空袋子回到谷仓时,他们自己也满是惊喜。

A gray squirrel1 had stolen in at the open door and was sitting up on his hind2 legs under the Christmas tree, eating the corn that had been spilled. 一只灰松鼠从开着的门口偷偷溜进来,蹲在圣诞树下,吃着洒出来的玉米。
He seemed as much at home as if he had been invited to the party. 它看起来像是受邀参加聚会一样自在。
"I think he must be our poor family," laughed Betty as she threw him another handful of corn. “我想它一定是我们穷苦的家人,”贝蒂笑着又扔给它一把玉米粒。
Father's Surprise 父亲的惊喜
"Children!" suddenly called a man's voice from the yard. Only Father called like that. “孩子们!”院子里突然传来一个男人的声音,只有父亲才这样呼喊他们。
The children turned, and there he stood in the door of the barn, smiling at them. They rushed to his arms. 孩子们转过身,父亲站在谷仓门口朝他们微笑。他们冲进他的怀里。
How happy they were to see him! 他们见到他真是太高兴了!
"So you children had a Christmas tree for the animals, did you?" said Father. “你们给动物们装点了一棵圣诞树,是吗?”父亲说。
"Well, run into the house with your father, and I'll see what the tree will have for you," said Uncle Tom, who stood just behind their father, his arms loaded with bundles. “好吧,和爸爸一起跑进房子里,我来看看怎么装点这棵树,”汤姆叔叔说,他站在父亲身后,胳膊上抱满了包裹。
Soon Uncle Tom called, and everyone went out to the Christmas tree. 不久,汤姆叔叔喊大家,于是他们都到圣诞树那儿去了。
"Your Uncle Tom and I must start for home by five o'clock; so you children had better open your presents right now," said Father. 父亲说:“我和汤姆叔叔必须在五点前回家,你们最好现在就拆礼物。”
Betty and Bob did not need to be told twice. Eagerly they opened the packages, gay with ribbons and seals. 父亲话音刚落,贝蒂和鲍勃就急切地打开带着丝带和封条的包裹。
There were books, snowshoes, a red silk umbrella for Betty, and a pair of skating boots for Bob; candy and a gold piece for each from Uncle Tom; 贝蒂的礼物有书、雪地鞋和一把红色绸伞。鲍勃的礼物是一双溜冰鞋,汤姆叔叔送给每人糖果和一枚金币;
and best of all, a little penciled note from Mother to tell them that she was really better and to wish them a Merry Christmas. 最重要的是,母亲用铅笔给他们写了一张小纸条,告诉他们她真的好多了,并祝他们圣诞快乐。
"Well," said Bobby as the big car drove out of the yard with Father and Uncle Tom, "this has certainly been a surprise Christmas for us all!" 父亲和汤姆叔叔开着大轿车驶出院子时,鲍勃说:“好吧,这对我们大家来说无疑是个惊喜的圣诞节!”


1 squirrel oGyzl     
  • The squirrel makes a store of nuts for the winter.松鼠贮藏坚果以备过冬。
  • A squirrel hoards nuts for the winter.松鼠为过冬贮藏坚果。
2 hind Cyoya     
  • The animal is able to stand up on its hind limbs.这种动物能够用后肢站立。
  • Don't hind her in her studies.不要在学业上扯她后腿。
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