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  • 美国语文第六册 第228期:家里的勇敢者 LESSON 69 THE BRAVE AT HOME 第六十九课 家里的勇敢者 The maid who binds her warrior's sash, and, smiling, all her pain dissembles, the while beneath the drooping lash, one starry tear-drop hangs and trembles; 为向她的勇士系肩带的姑
  • 美国语文第六册 第229期:南卡罗来纳州(1) LESSON 70 SOUTH CAROLINA 第七十课 南卡罗来纳州 If there be one state in the Union, Mr. President, that may challenge comparison with any other, for a uniform, zealous, ardent, and uncalculating devotion to the Union, 总统先生,如果合众
  • 美国语文第六册 第230期:南卡罗来纳州(2) Never were there exhibited, in the history of the world, higher examples of noble daring, dreadful suffering, and heroic endurance, than by the whigs of Carolina, during the Revolution. 在世界历史上,从来没有谁像南卡罗莱纳的辉格党
  • 美国语文第六册 第231期:马萨诸塞人和南卡罗来纳(1) LESSON 71 MASSACHUSETTS AND SOUTH CAROLINA 第七十一课 马萨诸塞人和南卡罗来纳 The eulogium pronounced on the character of the State of South Carolina by the honorable gentleman, for her Revolutionary and other merits, meets my hearty c
  • 美国语文第六册 第232期:马萨诸塞人和南卡罗来纳(2) Sir, does he suppose it in his power to exhibit in Carolina a name so bright as to produce envy in my bosom? 先生,难道他认为他对在卡罗莱纳显示她的影响力? No, sir, increased gratification and delight rather. 不,先生,或多
  • 美国语文第六册 第233期:马萨诸塞人和南卡罗来纳(3) Mr. President, I shall enter on no encomium upon Massachusetts. She needs none. 总统先生,在没有发表赞辞的情况下,我开始说说马萨诸塞州。实际上,她不需要任何溢美之词。 There she is, behold her, and judge for
  • 美国语文第六册 第234期:伊万杰琳眼中的教堂景象(1) LESSON 72 THE CHURCH SCENE FROM EVANGELINE 第七十二课 伊万杰琳眼中的教堂景象 So passed the morning away. And lo! with a summons sonorous, sounded the bell from its tower, and over the meadows a drumbeat. 清晨就这样度过。看啊!
  • 美国语文第六册 第235期:伊万杰琳眼中的教堂景象(2) To my natural make and my temper, painful the task is I do, which to you I know must be grievous. 就我的脾气而言,我的任务艰巨,我晓得你们必定伤心痛苦。 Yet must I bow and obey, and deliver the will of our monarch; 然而我必
  • 美国语文第六册 第236期:伊万杰琳眼中的教堂景象(3) Vain was the hope of escape , and cries and fierce imprecations rang through the house of prayer; 逃跑的希望渺茫,哭叫声和激烈的诅咒,在祈祷的屋子里回荡; and high o'er the heads of the others rose, with his arms uplifted,
  • 美国语文第六册 第237期:伊万杰琳眼中的教堂景象(4) Is this the fruit of my toils, of my vigils and prayers and privations? 难道这就是我辛劳、夜夜不眠,倾听祈祷和甘于贫困的结果吗? Have you so soon forgotten all the lessons of love and forgiveness? 你们这么快就忘记了
  • 美国语文第六册 第238期:衬衫之歌(1) LESSON 73 SONG OF THE SHIRT 第七十三课 衬衫之歌 With fingers weary and worn, with eyelids heavy and red, a woman sat, in unwomanly rags, plying her needle and thread: 手指酸软渐磨伤,眼皮沉重血丝浓,衣不遮体斜身坐,针线
  • 美国语文第六册 第239期:衬衫之歌(2) But why do I talk of Death? That Phantom of grisly bone, I hardly fear his terrible shape, It seems so like my own; 吾今絮絮念死亡,狰狞尸骨幽灵现,吾非仅惮其形骇,恍若吾与其同形; It seems so like my own, because of t
  • 美国语文第六册 第240期:衬衫之歌(3) Oh but to breathe the breath Of the cowslip and primrose sweet! With the sky above my head, and the grass beneath my feet, 莫负春日花草香,黄花痴长春更浓!头上蓝天脚下草, for only one short hour to feel as I used to feel, bef
  • 美国语文第六册 第241期:砖石切砖石(1) LESSON 74 DIAMOND CUT DIAMOND 第七十四课 砖石切砖石 Mansour, the Egyptian merchant, one day repaired to the cadi on account of a suit, the issue of which troubled him but little. 埃及商人曼苏尔由于一桩诉讼案子的缘故,去找
  • 美国语文第六册 第242期:砖石切砖石(2) Having found a casket of diamonds among the effects left by my father, 在我父亲留下的财物中发现了一个装满钻石的匣子, said he, I set out for Egypt, to live there on the proceeds of their sale. 他说,我动身前往埃及,想