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   《陨落星辰》由罗伯特·罗达特执导的剧情科幻剧,史蒂芬·斯皮尔伯格制作,诺亚·怀尔 、穆恩·布拉得古德、德鲁·罗伊等参加演出。该剧讲述了外星人入侵地球,人类奋起反抗故事。本栏目包含电视剧的音频MP3文件以及中英字幕文件,通过听美剧学英语的栏目,不但可以提高英语学习爱好者对英语的兴趣,同时也能提高英语学习者的英语听说水平

  • 陨落星辰第一季 第1期:开端 I was in school when the ships came. 飞船降临时,我在学校 They were really big, 那些飞船很大 and they said that we weren't gonna attack them 大人们说不会用核弹 with the nuclear bombs 攻击他们 because they might have wante
  • 陨落星辰第一季 第2期:重甲战士 Go. 快 Go! Take the gas! 快,带上汽油 Bryan, Mechs! Stay down! 布莱恩,有械甲怪,趴下 Get the food. 带上食物 Leave it. 别管了 Here they come! Cover them! 他们来了,快掩护 Short bursts! Short bursts! 高准度点射,高
  • 陨落星辰第一季 第3期:驻地的讨论(1) We holding? 还继续守吗 Who'd we lose? 少了谁 Captain Jameson, Jerrod's cousin, 詹姆森上尉和杰罗德的表哥 and a bunch of guys I didn't know. 还有一群我不认识的人 Jameson's dead? Who's gonna command the 2nd? 詹姆森死了吗
  • 陨落星辰第一季 第4期:驻地的讨论(2) I'm also giving you Tom as your second in command. 我任命汤姆做你的副官 You move west, go to ground somewhere around Acton. 你们向西进发 在阿克顿附近隐蔽起来 What do we do when they start picking up groups of 300? 他们开始
  • 陨落星辰第一季 第5期:驻地的讨论(3) Okay, so, these guys from the 5th Mass, 这些来自第五团的家伙 okay, down in Dorchester 驻扎在多尔切斯特 Uh, out of ammo, 没弹药了 except for, what, these two bullets 点45口径手枪的弹夹里 in a clip in an old .45 Automatic
  • 陨落星辰第一季 第6期:准备出发 How long? 还有多久 Just finishing up. 马上就好 We got most of the stretcher cases off already. 需要担架的伤员大部分都处理好了 You're good. 干得漂亮 For a pediatrician. 对儿科医生就降低标准吗 For any doctor. 哪里
  • 陨落星辰第一季 第7期:脱离大部队(1) What? 什么 I know that house. 我认识那栋房子 My husband has a piece hanging there. 我丈夫有幅画挂在里面 Painting? A landscape. 画? 风景画 One of my patients rich tech guy lived there. 我有个病人 搞科技的富豪 就住里面
  • 陨落星辰第一季 第8期:脱离大部队(2) Thanks. 谢谢 So,you think there will be a lot of them? 他们会有很多人吗 Come on, Jimmy. 来吧 吉米 Anthony,I need 安东尼 我要... 7.62. I need a mag. You got? 7.62毫米口径子弹 我要个弹夹 有么 I got. Here. 有 给 This co
  • 陨落星辰第一季 第9期:制定计划 Which way are they coming? 他们从哪条路上来的 Ben's alive. I saw him. 本还活着 我看见他了 I saw him. 我看见他了 What? 你说什么 He's harnessed, but he's alive. 他被控制了 但还活着 Are you sure it was him? 你确定是
  • 陨落星辰第一季 第10期:回归大部队 Well, what took you so long? 你们怎么用了这么久 How much did you get? 弄到多少食物了 A truckload, enough for a few days. 有一卡车 足够这几天用了 Hal, why don't you stay? 哈尔 你留下 You guys wait outside. 你们几个到
  • 陨落星辰第一季 第11期:固执的上尉 Matty. 马特 It's time to get up. 该起床了 If I see him, I'll let you know. I'm sorry. 我要是看见他了会通知你 抱歉 What was that? 什么情况 Word's out I saw harnessed kids 他们听说之前偷袭商店时 before we hit the shops
  • 陨落星辰第一季 第12期:斯科特先生(1) Uncle Scott wants a word with you. 斯科特叔叔要跟你说点事 He has some thoughts on the aliens 一些对付外星人的想法 he thought might be useful. 他觉得没准能帮上忙 Happy to talk to him 我先找点吃的 after I get a littl
  • 陨落星辰第一季 第13期:斯科特先生(2) I had a class of, uh of older kids, 我给高年级学生上了节课 and I had them brainstorming about the aliens. 让他们来了场关于外星人的自由讨论 And they came up with mostly, you know, 他们想出来的也都是 the stuff that w
  • 陨落星辰第一季 第14期:受欢迎的哈尔 Hey, Hal. 哈尔 Those harnessed kids you saw the other day 那天你见到那些被控制的孩子 they were headed west? 他们当时是在往西走吗 Yeah, but they may have changed direction after I saw them. 对 不过也许在我看到之后他们
  • 陨落星辰第一季 第15期:重回弹药库 Jimmy, come here a second. 吉米 过来一下 You're gonna sit this one out, all right? 你这次就不参加了 明白吗 Because I screwed up? 就因为上次我弄砸了吗 Tom needs someone bigger in case they find weapons. 万一有武器的话