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相关教程: 英语口语
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    1.Pull yourselftogether. 振作起来。 2.Keep your chin up. 别灰心。 3.Don't let it get you down. It will be over with soon.别为此烦恼。事情很快就会过去的。 4.Don't be so miserable! 别这愁眉苦脸的。 5.Cheer up! things wi...

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  • 好感升温时常用搭讪口语

    nce you know them better 一旦你更加了解他们了 Now that youve gotten to know each other a little better, its time to really let them know how you feel. 现在你已经更加了解他们了,是时候开始真正的让他们知道你是什么感...

  • 女人的心思男人你真的不要猜

    Men found it twice as hard to guess a womans mood than a mans after being shown pictures of peoples eyes and estimating how they were feeling, researchers found. 研究人员让男性通过看照片中人的眼神来猜测他们的心思,结果发现...

  • 口语:商品的价格表达对了么?

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  • 英语口语说这些,可以让你的口语漂亮起来!

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  • 关于爱情的高级英语口语

    1. Never,ever,ever. 永远永远不。 2. I take this seriously. 我很认真。 3. I'm with him. 我和他在一起。(既可以指那个在一起又可以指那个在一起)加美女微信:se7982,找刺激.... I'm with somebody else now. 我现在和...

  • 英语不懂这几句,不如回家去种地!

    01 Believe it or not! 信不信由你! 【相关例句】 Believe it or not, Im going to America tomorrow! 信不信由你,我明天就要去美国了。 02 Don't let me down! 别让我失望! 【相关例句】 Don't let me down.Keep your...

  • 口语:教你任性,教你耍赖

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    The TV drama The Empress of China is hot among audiences recently. Actress Fan Bingbing, who plays the role of Empress Wu Zetian, is a fabulous beauty. What did Wu Zetian, China`s only female monarch, look like in real life? Let`s explore the possibi...

  • 对白日梦大声说“没门”

    No way! 没门儿! Not a chance! 休想! Dream on. 做梦吧。 Don't even think about it. 想都别想。 Fat chance! 不可能! There is no way out. 没办法了。 Not possible. 不可能。 Forget it. 别想了,不可能。...

  • “再见”如何用英语表达才更美好?

    1. Good day 祝你一天愉快 2. Bye bye 再见 3. So long 再见 4. Cheerio 加油 5. Be seeing you 再见 6. Toodledoo 再见 7. Ciao 再见 8. Cheers 欢呼,喝彩 9. Take care 保重 10. Catch you later 待会儿见 11. Farewell 再见 12. Hav...

  • 炒鱿鱼的英语表达?

    1.I got fired. 我被炒鱿鱼了。 2. I got the boot. 我被开除了。 3. I got the axe. 我被开除了。 4. I got sacked. / I got the sack. 我被开除了。 5. They kicked me out. 他们把我踢出来了。(他们把我开除了。) 6. My b...
