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美国国家公共电台 NPR--Ukraine marks one year of war with defiance and trepidation

时间:2023-11-17 06:06来源:互联网 提供网友:nan   字体: [ ]

Ukraine marks one year of war with defiance1 and trepidation2


Russia launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine a year ago today. The mood in Ukraine is somber4 as residents mark the anniversary.


We also spoke5 with NPR's Joanna Kakissis in Kyiv.

JOANNA KAKISSIS, BYLINE6: Steve, this is a very somber day for Ukraine. And here in Kyiv, just think about how different this city was a year ago. It was so vibrant7 and full of life, and now many residents of the city are dead. Many others are refugees. Others are on the front line fighting. And you don't - you know, you walk around the city, and you see relatively8 normal life. Some restaurants are open. People are going to work. People are walking along, you know, holding hands with their kids. But you don't have to go too far out of the city to see destruction.

In the suburbs, you see bridges that have been bombed - homes, shopping malls, all destroyed. And these are also places that saw horrors - you know, people tortured, people executed. And that pain hasn't gone away. But this invasion has also united Ukrainians. It's made them defiant9. And so the government is holding a series of events today to acknowledge these deep feelings of pain and defiance.


KAKISSIS: Those are the bells of St. Michael's cathedral. And this is where we met Olha Komarnytska. She said her husband Ivan was killed on the front lines three months ago. She was at a ceremony today where his portrait was hung on a memorial wall for fallen soldiers.

OLHA KOMARNYTSKA: (Through interpreter) Today, I have no words. It's hard. It's complicated. This year has gone by as if it were a month - a long, long month. I can't even bring myself to say the name Russia.

KAKISSIS: So President Volodymyr Zelenskyy called this the longest day of our lives in an early morning video address, and he's expected to speak again later today.

INSKEEP: So that's what it's like to be in Kyiv. How are other countries observing this one-year mark?

KAKISSIS: Well, you know, Ukrainians are worried that Russians will mark this day with even more attacks. Meanwhile, the United Nations General Assembly yesterday overwhelmingly passed a resolution asking for an immediate10 withdrawal11 of Russian troops from Ukraine. And yesterday, there were very public signs of support in major cities. In London, activists12 painted the street outside the Russian embassy in blue and yellow, the colors of the Ukrainian flag. And in Brussels, pro-Ukrainian demonstrators filled a neighborhood with teddy bears, representing the thousands of Ukrainian children who have been forcibly moved to Russia.

INSKEEP: So that is how the world is marking this day. What do you hear from Ukrainians about the immediate future?

KAKISSIS: So I saw a public opinion poll the other day that said that nearly 80% of Ukrainians believe that Ukraine is going to win. And by win, they mean reclaim13 every inch of territory that Russia has occupied since 2014, including the southern peninsula of Crimea. The West has given - you know, let's remember, the West has given Ukraine billions in military and humanitarian14 aid. Western weapons have helped Ukrainian forces hit Russian targets and reclaim occupied territory. And Western aid has helped Ukraine restore some of its power grid15 after it was almost destroyed during months of Russian strikes. Ukrainians are very grateful for all this, and they want to show the West and the Kremlin and even themselves that they are rebuilding even as Russia continues to attack.

INSKEEP: NPR's Joanna Kakissis, thanks so much.

KAKISSIS: You're welcome, Steve.


1 defiance RmSzx     
  • He climbed the ladder in defiance of the warning.他无视警告爬上了那架梯子。
  • He slammed the door in a spirit of defiance.他以挑衅性的态度把门砰地一下关上。
2 trepidation igDy3     
  • The men set off in fear and trepidation.这群人惊慌失措地出发了。
  • The threat of an epidemic caused great alarm and trepidation.流行病猖獗因而人心惶惶。
3 transcript JgpzUp     
  • A transcript of the tapes was presented as evidence in court.一份录音带的文字本作为证据被呈交法庭。
  • They wouldn't let me have a transcript of the interview.他们拒绝给我一份采访的文字整理稿。
4 somber dFmz7     
  • He had a somber expression on his face.他面容忧郁。
  • His coat was a somber brown.他的衣服是暗棕色的。
5 spoke XryyC     
n.(车轮的)辐条;轮辐;破坏某人的计划;阻挠某人的行动 v.讲,谈(speak的过去式);说;演说;从某种观点来说
  • They sourced the spoke nuts from our company.他们的轮辐螺帽是从我们公司获得的。
  • The spokes of a wheel are the bars that connect the outer ring to the centre.辐条是轮子上连接外圈与中心的条棒。
6 byline sSXyQ     
  • His byline was absent as well.他的署名也不见了。
  • We wish to thank the author of this article which carries no byline.我们要感谢这篇文章的那位没有署名的作者。
7 vibrant CL5zc     
  • He always uses vibrant colours in his paintings. 他在画中总是使用鲜明的色彩。
  • She gave a vibrant performance in the leading role in the school play.她在学校表演中生气盎然地扮演了主角。
8 relatively bkqzS3     
  • The rabbit is a relatively recent introduction in Australia.兔子是相对较新引入澳大利亚的物种。
  • The operation was relatively painless.手术相对来说不痛。
9 defiant 6muzw     
  • With a last defiant gesture,they sang a revolutionary song as they were led away to prison.他们被带走投入监狱时,仍以最后的反抗姿态唱起了一支革命歌曲。
  • He assumed a defiant attitude toward his employer.他对雇主采取挑衅的态度。
10 immediate aapxh     
  • His immediate neighbours felt it their duty to call.他的近邻认为他们有责任去拜访。
  • We declared ourselves for the immediate convocation of the meeting.我们主张立即召开这个会议。
11 withdrawal Cfhwq     
  • The police were forced to make a tactical withdrawal.警方被迫进行战术撤退。
  • They insisted upon a withdrawal of the statement and a public apology.他们坚持要收回那些话并公开道歉。
12 activists 90fd83cc3f53a40df93866d9c91bcca4     
n.(政治活动的)积极分子,活动家( activist的名词复数 )
  • His research work was attacked by animal rights activists . 他的研究受到了动物权益维护者的抨击。
  • Party activists with lower middle class pedigrees are numerous. 党的激进分子中有很多出身于中产阶级下层。 来自《简明英汉词典》
13 reclaim NUWxp     
  • I have tried to reclaim my money without success.我没能把钱取回来。
  • You must present this ticket when you reclaim your luggage.当你要取回行李时,必须出示这张票子。
14 humanitarian kcoxQ     
  • She has many humanitarian interests and contributes a lot to them.她拥有很多慈善事业,并作了很大的贡献。
  • The British government has now suspended humanitarian aid to the area.英国政府现已暂停对这一地区的人道主义援助。
15 grid 5rPzpK     
  • In this application,the carrier is used to encapsulate the grid.在这种情况下,要用载体把格栅密封起来。
  • Modern gauges consist of metal foil in the form of a grid.现代应变仪则由网格形式的金属片组成。
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