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  • 2018年经济学人 沙特改革大幕已开启(2) Yet the world has a vital interest in Saudi Arabia's fate. 但是沙特阿拉伯的命运和全球的重要利益攸关。 It is the biggest oil exporter, and home to Islam's two holiest sites. 沙特阿拉伯是最大的石油出口国,也是伊斯兰
  • 2018年经济学人 沙特改革大幕已开启(3) And the crown prince's effort to boost the private sector is strangely centralised. 而且王储出人意料地集中推进私营企业的发展。 Even the promotion of entertainment is run by a government agency. 甚至连娱乐推广都是由政府机
  • 2018年经济学人 一周要闻 习近平与金正恩会谈 新西兰总理诞下女婴 Mounting trouble Indias ruling Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party pulled out of an alliance with the Peoples Democratic Party in Kashmir, prompting the state government to collapse. Kashmirs governor, who is appointed by the BJP led central gov
  • 2018年经济学人 正当其时(1) Time to go 正当其时 Recep Tayyip Erdogan deserves to lose the election on June 24th 雷杰普塔伊普埃尔多安理应在6月24日的选举中失败 What does a president have to do to destroy the trust of Turks? 总统要做什么才能摧毁土
  • 2018年经济学人 土耳其:遏制埃尔多安独裁正当其时(2) The vicious attempted coup of July 2016 deserved to fail. 2016年7月的恶性未遂政变理应失败。 But Mr Erdogans revenge has been indiscriminate and disproportionate. 但是埃尔多安先生报复是不分青红皂白、不成比例的。 S
  • 2018年经济学人 世界经济:特朗普别“撞车”(1) Don't crash it 特朗普别撞车 A trade war is the worst of many threats to global growth 贸易战是全球经济发展最大的威胁 Look at the headlines, and you would struggle to believe that the global economy is in good health. 看看头条新
  • 2018年经济学人 世界经济:特朗普别“撞车”(2) The trade war is the biggest threat to global growth. 贸易战是全球经济发展最大的威胁。 On June 15th the White House confirmed that a 25% tariff on up to $50bn of Chinese imports would soon go into effect. 美国对高达500亿美元的中
  • 2018年经济学人 一周要闻 中美贸易战打响 全球股市恐慌 The world this week 一周要闻 Business 商业 The prospect of an all-out trade war between America and China became real. 美国和中国之间爆发全面贸易战的可能性变成了现实。 Donald Trump said he would impose tariffs on $50bn o
  • 2018年经济学人 世界经济:特朗普别“撞车”(3) The bigger issue is the vast disruption that would occur in the transition to more autarky. 更大的问题在于,在向更自给自足的过渡中会发生巨大的混乱。 America's economy is configured for designing iPhones, not assembling the
  • 2018年经济学人 一周要闻 德国央行下调经济预期 沙特阿根廷纳入MSCI指数 Germanys central bank cut its forecast of the countrys economic growth rate this year to 2%, from 2.5%. The Bundesbank thinks the external environment is driving up uncertainty in the German economy. 德国央行将该国今年的经济增长预期从
  • 2018年经济学人 移民:分离焦虑(1) Immigration: Separation anxiety 移民:分离焦虑 When immigration policies clash with values, the values usually win. 当移民政策与价值观冲突时,通常价值观会胜出。 In Texas an infant is separated from his mother by the feder
  • 2018年经济学人 共享经济—船只共享新创公司(1) One of the busiest times of the year at Arzal marina on the coast of western France is a wooden sailing-boat festival in early summer. 初夏时节的木制帆船节是法国西部海岸阿尔扎码头一年中最繁忙的时期。 Hundreds of enthus
  • 2018年经济学人 移民:分离焦虑(2) Other examples of deterrence have fared no better. 其他威慑的例子也不是很好。 Britain's government concluded from the Brexit referendum that 英国政府从脱欧公投中得出结论, it should redouble efforts to create a hostile env
  • 2018年经济学人 共享经济—船只共享新创公司(2) The business is not all smooth sailingregulation, for one thing, varies widely. 该行业并非一帆风顺各国船只管理规定差异很大。 French law allows boatsharing, but in Greece, a tempting market, private owners face more difficulties.
  • 2018年经济学人 奥夫拉多尔当选墨西哥总统是福是祸?(1) Andrs Manuel Lpez Obrador 安德烈斯曼努埃尔洛佩斯奥夫拉多尔 Mexico's answer to Donald Trump 墨西哥对唐纳德特朗普的回应 There are many reasons to worry about Mexico's most likely next president 对于墨西哥最有可能当选