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  • 福克斯新闻 联邦调查局指责朝鲜针对索尼网络袭击 The FBI says it has information to conclude the North Korean government is responsible for hacking into Sony Pictures computers. 联邦调查局表示有证据表明朝鲜是针对索尼网络袭击的幕后黑手。 Federal officials say the cyber a
  • 福克斯新闻 音乐传奇人物乔·科克尔离世 享年70岁 His gravely voice and passionate delivery are unmistakable. 他粗哑的嗓音和传达出的激情充满了独一无二的魅力。 Joe Cocker has died at age 70. 乔科克尔去世,享年70岁。 Sony Music says he fought a hard battle with small c
  • 福克斯新闻 行李搬运工涉嫌利用航空客机贩运枪支 The baggage handler is accused of helping smuggle weapons onto commercial flights to New York City. 行李搬运工被起诉利用航空客机往纽约贩运枪支。 Eugene Harvey now charged with trafficking firearms and violating airport security.
  • 福克斯新闻 丹麦政府对北极提出正式主权要求 Move over Santa Claus-Denmark is laying claim to the North Pole. 距离圣诞节仅几天之际丹麦对北极提出正式主权要求。 A 12-year survey project has concluded that an underwater mountain range-running north of Siberia-is a geologica
  • 福克斯新闻 罗马天主教皇发表圣诞致辞 The Pope giving his annual Christmas address to the Curia-the group of cardinals, bishops and priests who run the Vatican. 教皇对教廷发表一年一度的圣诞节致辞,而教廷包括执掌梵蒂冈大权的红衣主教,主教和牧师们。
  • 福克斯新闻 美国的贫富差距扩大 The typical rich family in America now has nearly seven times the wealth of a family in the middle-class. 典型的美国富裕家庭的财富现在是中产阶级家庭的近7倍。 It is the biggest wealth gap in three decades, according to a new a
  • 福克斯新闻 美国领导的阿富汗战争结束 President Obama marking the milestone by thanking U.S. troops for extraordinary sacrifice. 奥巴马总统以感谢美国军队所做出的牺牲宣告阿富汗战争的结束。 In 13 years of combat against al Qaeda and the Taliban, more than 2,200
  • 福克斯新闻 2岁男童超市内玩弄手枪走火意外杀母 A two-year-old boy reaching into his mother's purse accidentally fired the gun inside, killing his mother, inside a store in northern Idaho. 这起悲剧发生在爱达荷州的一家沃尔玛超市,一名2岁男童把手伸进母亲包中意外造成
  • 福克斯新闻 解决新年醉酒驾车的独特方法 The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports over 10,000 people were killed last year in alcohol-related driving crashes and Sioux City, Iowa's Mercy Medical Center is now distributing tens of thousands of bright yellow napkins to area
  • 福克斯新闻 钢琴商店的明天 In the best year that piano sales ever had in the U.S., over 365,000 pianos were sold, but that was in 1909. 在美国钢琴销售最好的一年曾经卖出超过365000架,但那是1909年的光景。 Today about 35,000 pianos are sold annually and
  • 福克斯新闻 薯条里惊现牙齿 日本麦当劳道歉 McDonald's Japan officials apologizing after a customer found a human tooth in a pack of fries. 在一位消费者发现薯条中的人类牙齿后日本麦当劳官员作出公开道歉。 Other objects found recently include: 其他最近发现的物
  • 福克斯新闻 约翰·博纳再次当选众议院议长 Nearly two dozen House Republicans voted for somebody other than John Boehner. 近20多名众议院共和党人都将自己手中的选票投给了约翰博纳以外的人。 Still, not enough to deny the Ohio Republican a third term as Speaker of th
  • 福克斯新闻 电影回到未来汽车身陷法律纠纷 As Back To The Future celebrates its 30th anniversary this year, John DeLorean's creation-the driving force of the film-is now stalled in a legal battle. 随着电影《回到未来》迎来30周年纪念,约翰德劳瑞恩在电影中打造的那辆经
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  • 福克斯新闻 圣地亚哥一女职员上厕所 马桶爬出大蟒蛇 It is still a mystery in San Diego what happened Tuesday in the bathroom of a downtown office: 周二在圣地亚哥市中心一间办公楼洗手间中发生的事情仍然是个谜团: I noticed that the water level was up a little higher than norm