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  • 经济学人:北爱尔兰"国旗问题"遭民众暴力示威 Britain Northern Ireland 英国 北爱尔兰 Wrapped in the flag 国旗纠纷 The loyalist protests in Belfast have almost nothing to do with politics. That is why they are so alarming 贝尔法斯特的保皇抗议无关政治,却令人担忧。 O
  • 经济学人:投降派奶酪猴?法国军队真这么不堪一击? Charlemagne 查理曼大帝专栏 Europe in a foreign field 海外欧洲军 The Europeans ability to deploy force abroad is falling, but Mali shows it is still needed 欧洲的海外驻军不断减少,但马里冲突表明其仍需对外调兵 When
  • 经济学人:政治押宝? 英国两党因争夺议员席位陷酣战 Selecting candidates 选择候选人 Supply-side politics 政治押宝 How the parties pick would-be MPs 政党如何挑选准国会议员 For the next two weeks all political eyes will be on Eastleigh, a suburban seat on the outskirts of Southampton
  • 经济学人:经济改革好评如潮? 奥朗德被同僚暗讽软弱无能 Europe French foreign policy 欧洲 法国对外政策 The Bamako effect 巴马科效应 Will Frances intervention in Mali make Francois Hollande popular at home? 弗朗索瓦奥朗德对马里的干涉会能否使其在国内大受欢迎? Bienvenu
  • 经济学人:编程训练营 莫为高薪贸然尝试盈利性速成班 United States: Computing boot-camp: Risks and rewards 美国:编程训练营:风险与回报 Should for-profit crash courses get federal funds? 盈利性速成班是否应该得到联邦基金的赞助? Liberal arts degrees and computer savvy r
  • 经济学人:巴西夜总会大火 狂欢后的悲剧 The Americas Brazil's nightclub fire 美洲巴西夜总会大火 A night from hell 地狱般的一夜 Better fire prevention should be the memorial 为防止悲剧再度上演,巴西应当完善防火措施 ......Unbearable loss...... ......生命中
  • 经济学人:安倍经济学 女性权益该如何维护 Asia: Women and work in Japan We're busy. Get an abortion 亚洲:日本的妇女和工作,我们很忙,你堕胎去吧 Pregnant women are furious about how they are treated at the office. 孕妇在职场上受到的待遇让她们感到愤怒。
  • 经济学人:不平等与运动健身 流汗成为精英现象 United States: Inequality and exercise Spin to separate 美国:不平等与运动健身,分道扬镳 Sweating on purpose is becoming an elite phenomenon. 有意流汗成为精英现象。 In a darkened room at the edge of downtown Washington, DC,
  • 经济学人:四条腿朋友的代价 粪量变能源 United States: Pet waste A crap-shoot 美国:宠物粪便,从粪便里发出的新芽 The city ponders a plan to make power from puppy poop. 在宠物粪便中提取能源,该市构建着一幅如此蓝图。 Dogs, unlike people, are capable of
  • 经济学人:珍惜女儿 有其父必有其女 International 国际 Prizing Girls: Like Father, like daughter 珍惜女儿:有其父必有其女 How South Korea learnt to love baby girls. 韩国是怎么学会爱女婴的。 I cried when I heard, writes one blogger, recalling the moment she lea
  • 经济学人:津巴布韦的遗产 遗孀为何被驱逐? Middle east and Afica: Inheritance in Zimbabwe: Why widows get evicted? 中东和非洲:津巴布韦的遗产:遗孀为何被驱逐? The scourge of in-laws robbing the bereaved 姻亲剥夺遗孀(财产)的根源 Activist, firebrand and fem
  • 经济学人:竞选的失败者 心理疾病要走出阴影 Britain 英国 Mental Health: Out of the shadows 心理疾病:走出阴影 Mental illness is at last getting the attention, if not the money it needs. 即便不是急需的财政援助,心理疾病至少争取到了它所该有的关注。 Mental
  • 经济学人:招募警察 孱弱的武装 United States 美国 Recruiting police officers - the force is weak. 招募警察孱弱的武装 Police departments struggle to stay fully staffed. 警察系统艰难维持满员状态。 STAR WARS can be used to sell almost anything, from Lego to a
  • 经济学人:印尼的酒 禁酒之争 Asia 亚洲 Alcohol in Indonesia 印尼的酒 Dry Talk: Debating A Ban on Booze. 禁酒之争。 ONE of Indonesias newest brands of beer, Prost, traces its ancestry back to 1948 when Chandra Djojonegoro, a businessman, started selling a health tonic,
  • 经济学人:适得其反 特朗普反堕胎恢复"墨西哥城政策" United States 美国 Abortion Policy: Gag Reflex 堕胎政策:适得其反 A policy intended to cut abortions is likely to do just the opposite. 试图降低堕胎率的政策却适得其反。 One ritual has become familiar for a presidents first