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  • 经济学人:有翅膀的恶魔 沿海居民的梦魇 Britain 英国 The War on Seagulls: Fighting Them on the Beaches. 海鸥之战:海滩阻击战 Seaside towns are in a flat about belligerent birds 海边小镇正对这种好战的鸟类严阵以待。 SAVOURING the moment before the first bite of
  • 经济学人:叙利亚和谈 该有人做出尝试了 Middle East and Africa 中东及非洲 Syria's Peace Talk: Time for someone else to have a go. 叙利亚和谈:该有人做出尝试了 Russia and Turkey take over from America. 俄罗斯和土耳其代替美国挑起大梁 Kazakhstan is an odd pla
  • 经济学人:美国及其亚洲盟友们 球友 Asia 亚洲 America and its Asian Allies (Part I): Fairway Friends 美国及其亚洲盟友们(一):球友 Japan's Prime Minister Cozies Up to America's New President 日本首相急于拉拢美国新任总统。 Among the books said to be by t
  • 经济学人:继位之战 权术背后的地位与怒火 Asia 亚洲 Politics in Tamil Nadu: Rank and Bile 泰米尔纳德邦权术:地位与怒火 A vicious inheritance battle engulfs the state government. 一场惨烈的继位之战席卷政府。 ON THE various occasions that O. Panneerselvam, or OPS,
  • 经济学人:东非骆驼 又快又有味儿 Middle east and Africa: East African camels: Speedy and tasty 中东和非洲:东非骆驼:又快又有味儿 The camel trade is increasingly lucrative. 骆驼贸易越来越获益。 Allahu akbar! the boys shout gleefully from atop their camels,
  • 经济学人:反其道而行 土耳其的面纱自由 International 国际 Headscarves in Turkey: Undercover 土耳其的头巾:面纱之下 The veil makes a come back. 面纱重现 As other countries move to ban Muslim head coverings, Turkey is going the opposite way. 当其他国家正执行穆斯林头
  • 经济学人:特朗普与讽刺 全方位包围 United States 美国 Donald Trump and Satire: Super Soaking 特朗普与讽刺:全方位包围 Lessons in civics from comedians. 从喜剧中获得的公民经验。 Barack obama was bad for satirists, even if few seemed to mind. 讽刺作家很难拿
  • 经济学人:美国的工作与种族 薪资差距(1) United States 美国 Working and Race: Colouring in 工作与种族:上色 A trio of labour economists suggest that effort at work is correlated with race. 由三名劳动经济学家组成的团队声称工作效率与人种有关。 GIVEN the lon
  • 经济学人:美国的工作与种族 薪资差距(2) Assuming their controls are adequate, that would still leave 90% of the wage difference between white workers and ethnic minorities, which was recently estimated to be 14%, unexplained. 假设他们的控制条件相同,那么白种人员工和少数
  • 经济学人:优生学 保护野生动物要坚守立"场" The Americas 美洲 Protecting Wild Lives: Stand your ground beef 保护野生动物:坚守立场 Cows that are good at self-defense are also good for jaguars. 能自卫的牛也能抵御美洲豹。 Ranchers in Colombia's Meta department can be ve
  • 经济学人:泰国佛教 失踪的僧侣(1) Asia 亚洲 Buddhism in Thailand: The missing monk 泰国佛教:失踪的僧侣 The junta feuds with an influential sect. 军方与重要佛教教派长期不和。 SOME people think he has fled abroad. 有人认为他逃到了国外。 Others say
  • 经济学人:泰国佛教 失踪的僧侣(2) But Dhammakaya has fierce opponents both within the Buddhist establishment and outside it. 但是Dhammakaya在佛教内部和外部都有强劲的对手。 Critics denounce it as a cult that peddles wacky theology, and warn that it misleads wealthy u
  • 经济学人:脱欧进程 "贵族式跳跃"(1) Britain 英国 The Brexit Process: Lords-a-leaping 脱欧进程:贵族式跳跃 The Article 50 bill will pass, but the real debate about Brexit is yet to begin. 《里斯本条约》第五十条会被通过,但关于脱欧的真正谈判才正要开
  • 经济学人:脱欧进程 "贵族式跳跃"(2) But peers also made clear that they will eventually back down and let an unamended bill become law in the first half of March. 但是贵族们也明白他们最后得做出让步,并且在3月上旬通过未经修改的法案。 And that will allow
  • 经济学人:离婚法案 过错游戏(1) Britain 英国 Divorce Law: Blame Game 离婚法案:过错游戏 The absence of no-fault divorce in England and Wales looks updated. 英格兰及威尔士无过错离婚的缺失亟待解决。 People stay in loveless marriages for many reasons: an