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  • 篮球英文堂 第152期:艾弗森 他的叛逆是这个时代的印记 He is a icon around the world 他是世界范围内的一个符号 And he is pound for pound one of the greatest who's ever played in professional sports 身高1米83的运动员里,他是史上最强之一 He is rebel with a cause, the cause is Al
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  • 篮球英文堂 第155期:NBA2018赛季劲爆来袭 There is a reason this season can come soon enough 这个赛季即将火爆开启不是没有理由的 Why 20-year-old are training harder than ever 为什么驰骋赛场二十年的老将训练更加刻苦 Why 35 million people are now cheering for
  • 篮球英文堂 第156期:科比亲口叙述为什么凌晨四点起床 Usually, I'm sleeping at 4:00 a.m. 凌晨四点我通常还在酣睡呢 You've been working out 你已经开始训练了 So, talk about that 那么,和我们说说这事吧 Okay, so, if, if, if your job is to try be the best basketball player you c
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  • 篮球英文堂 第158期:NBA2018赛季耐克新战衣面面观(2) In the upcoming season 在即将到来的新赛季中 We will no longer see the designations of home and road uniforms 我们再也不会见到被指定的主客场球衣 As it will now be classified as editons 现在球衣将被划分为不同的版本
  • 篮球英文堂 第159期:如何发挥自我的极限 Bulls down one 公牛落后一分 Crowd gets quiet 观众鸦雀无声 The moment starts to become the moment, you know, for me 千钧一发,气氛开始变得紧张,这是属于我的时刻 Once you get in the moment, you know you're there and 你会
  • 篮球英文堂 第160期:NBA巨星告诉你意志力决定一切(1) Mental strength is everything, especially when you talk about competing at the highest level 意志决定一切,尤其是当你在最高水平的舞台竞技 We have so many great player in our league, it's physically strong, fast, quick 联盟里有
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  • 篮球英文堂 第162期:库里 训练重新定义比赛 When you're training, nothing is by chance. It's all designed 在训练的时候,所有都是按计划进行,没有偶然 Focus, strength, range of recovery, pretty much encompasses my game and my approach to basketball 注意力、力量和一系列
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