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  • 商务礼节美语第181期:Social Networking 社交关系 (上) Brad和Pam邀请同事Jimmy下班后一起去酒吧,可Jimmy一再推辞,我们听听为什么。 Brad: Hey Jimmy, a couple of us are going out to Sam's Bar after work. Care to join us? Jimmy: Oh, um...thanks for the invitation, but I'm pretty ti
  • 商务礼节美语第182期:Social Networking 社交关系 (中) Jimmy因为天性腼腆,所以每逢社交活动,一律能推就推。同事Brad和Pam努力说服Jimmy, 因为social networking是事业发展一个不可缺少的环节。Pam说, P: You know, I'm not such a big fan of company events myself. I
  • 商务礼节美语第183期:Social Networking 社交关系 (下) Jimmy因为天性腼腆,所以每逢社交活动,一律能推就推。同事Brad和Pam想帮他克服这个障碍。Pam问 Jimmy, P: When you are walking down the street, do you judge the people you see? J: Not really. Maybe only if they're weari
  • 商务礼节美语第184期:Jet Lag 倒时差(上) Mike出差刚回来,遇到同事Larry. Larry: Hey, Mike! Good to have you back! You look exhausted! Mike: Hi, Larry. Yeah, I'm totally beat. I can barely keep my eyes open! L: Was it a rough trip? M: Well, it was actually pretty productive, but all
  • 商务礼节美语第185期:Jet Lag 倒时差(下) Mike出差刚回来,被时差折磨得痛苦不堪,向同事Larry咨询缓解时差的好办法。Larry说, Larry: Some people take herbal medicine, but there's really no solid proof that it works. Some people take sleeping pills and try to sle
  • 商务礼节美语第186期:Boosting Sales 激励销售(上) 公司副总裁Lisa找到销售部经理Frank. Lisa: Frank, we just got our sales figures in and the numbers are very disappointing. What's going on here? Frank: I haven't actually seen the new figures. How far have we fallen? L: We were in sixth pla
  • 商务礼节美语第187期:Boosting Sales 激励销售(下) 公司副总裁Lisa找到销售部经理Frank,商量如何提高产品销量。 Lisa: What about our pricing? Are we competitive? Frank: Actually, we are roughly 15% more expensive than our closest competitors. But it's going to be hard to cut cost
  • 商务礼节美语第188期:Calling Customer Service 客服热线(上) Bob给一家软件公司客户服务热线打电话,接电话的是Gloria. 大家注意听客户服务一上来该怎样说。 Gloria: Good afternoon and thank you forcalling GlobalCom's customer hotline. My name is Gloria...how can I be ofassistan
  • 商务礼节美语第189期:Calling Customer Service 客服热线(下) Bob向一家软件公司订购的软件没按时到,Bob要求赔偿,但是对方热线客服Gloria却坚持说是Bob一方取消了订单。Bob生气地说: B: Look...if you review our file you'll find that we are long-term loyal customers who
  • 商务礼节美语第190期:Quit Smoking 戒烟(上) Daisy在公司走廊上跟同事Johnny打招呼。 Daisy: Hey Johnny, good to see you! How have you been? I haven't seen you in almost a month. Johnny: Eleven days, six hours, 21 minutes, and let me see....twenty something seconds. D: Umm....eleven w
  • 商务礼节美语第191期:Quit Smoking 戒烟(下) Daisy和Kathy听说同事Johnny戒烟,很替他高兴。Kathy问Johnny是怎么戒的。 K: What's worked so far? J: Well, for starters, I saw a doctor who specializes in helping people quit smoking. The doctor recommended a therapy group that meet
  • 商务礼节美语第192期:Gambling 赌博(上) Patricia去找同事Kelly。 Patricia: Hey, Kelly...the boss just called me into his office. You and I have to go to Macau for a meeting with our international marketing department. The meeting is on a Friday afternoon so I was thinking we could spen
  • 商务礼节美语第193期:Gambling 赌博(下) Patricia和同事Kelly要去澳门出差,准备去赌场试试手气。另一个同事John提到,自己有个朋友嗜赌成性,倾家荡产。Patricia问: P: So what happened to Joe? How is he holding up? J: Joe is in Gamblers Anonymous righ
  • 商务礼节美语第194期:Looking for a Change寻求改变(上) Emily问同事Lisa要不要一起吃饭。 Emily: Hey Lisa...want to grab lunch with me? Lisa: Sure, Emily. We haven't done that in a while. E: Yeah...actually, we haven't hung out at all recently. You seem sort of under the weather. Is there somethi
  • 商务礼节美语第195期:Looking for a Change寻求改变(下) Lisa告诉同事Emily新年过后准备辞职,因为她觉得眼下的工作很无聊,没有升职的机会,她还说: Lisa: The other problem is that I think the company is really set in its ways. Emily: What do you mean? L: In other words,