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词汇量测试当前位置: 首页>听力教程>《了不起的菲丽西》精讲>


  • 《了不起的菲丽西》精讲 16菲丽西冒名顶替 Fetch! 那你去捡吧 No! 不要 A letter for Madame Regine Le Haut and Mademoiselle Camille from the Opera. 从歌剧院寄来的雷吉纳勒奥夫人和卡米儿小姐的信件 Hmm! Handmade paper! Embossed! Blue ink! 让我闻闻 信纸真香 带印
  • 《了不起的菲丽西》精讲 17菲丽西被录取 What's going on here? 出什么事了 Um, she says she's Camille Le Haut. 院长先生 她自称是卡米尔勒奥 Hmm... Are you Camille Le Haut? 我看看 你说你是卡米尔勒奥吗 Uh... yes? 嗯没错 Hmm...She is Camille Le Haut! 哈哈哈 她
  • 《了不起的菲丽西》精讲 18菲丽西进练舞房 You're not a dancer, are you? 我想你应该不是来学习芭蕾舞的吧 Yes, I am! 我是啊 Who would've thought? 真想不到 Return to your class! 那就进去上课吧 OK! 好的 Oh, greatest ballet master of all time! 史上最伟大的芭蕾舞
  • 《了不起的菲丽西》精讲 19菲丽西见老师 Hey, you should warm up! 你该去热身了 Warm up? 热身? Oh, my! That is crazy! 真不可思议 亲爱的 I'm guessing you're new, my darling. 我想你还是个新手吧 You can tell that because... 你是怎么看出来的 Who is that? 他是谁
  • 《了不起的菲丽西》精讲 20菲丽西与维克多重见 So every girl in this room has a chance to dance in my new ballet except you. 除了你 你们都有机会得到这个角色 You've all worked hard except you. 除了你 你们每个人都很努力 You are here because of talent and guts. 你们由于出
  • 《了不起的菲丽西》精讲 21维克多的经历 Wow! This time, it's really broken. 这次可真是彻底坏了 Can you do something? 你能修好它吗 Don't worry, I've got it. 没问题 交给我吧 I am the winner of our little bet. 我可是在我们的小赌约里先拔头筹了 What bet? 赌约
  • 《了不起的菲丽西》精讲 22老师对菲丽西的评价 Now rise. 现在 请起立 The class is over, 今天的课程结束了 and the person who's leaving us today is you. 宣布一下今天被淘汰的人 就是你 You have the energy of a bullet, 你很有热情与活力 but the lightness of a depresse
  • 《了不起的菲丽西》精讲 23最美颧骨奖得主 Who is that? 这是谁啊 Rudi from the top boys class. 男生舞团的鲁迪 Holder of the Best Cheekbones at the Opera award. 巴黎歌剧院芭蕾舞团最美颧骨奖得主 I love him! He's so blond and shiny. 我喜欢她 看他那头阳光般的金
  • 《了不起的菲丽西》精讲 24我只是太渴望跳舞了 Wait! Wait! 等等 别走 I'm sorry! Triple sorry. 真的对不起 我也不知道该怎样道歉才好 If there was a bigger word for 'sorry', I'd say it. 真心感到抱歉 I let you into my life, and you lied to me. 我收留你 你却用撒谎和冒
  • 《了不起的菲丽西》精讲 25训练开始 Any mail? 信来了吗 There is no mail. 没有信件 夫人 As soon as there is, fetch it. 信件一到 立刻送来 Can you dance? 你会跳舞吗 Yes. At least, I think I can. 会吧 我想还算会的 Training starts at 5 am tomorrow. 明早五点开
  • 《了不起的菲丽西》精讲 26菲丽西的毛病 Felicie, you lack precision and finesse. 菲丽西 你的动作毛躁毫无技巧可言 You have little or no sense of rhythm. 肢体协调性也不够 You're without balance, grace and charm. 平衡感也有所欠缺 更别说优雅了 Come on! You
  • 《了不起的菲丽西》精讲 27鲁道夫 You! 你 That was not merely bad, 跳的可不是一点半点的差 it was a catastrophe wrapped in a disaster with a side order of bad. 简直就是课堂的反面教材 Ta-ta! 回家吧 你没这个天赋 You, me, up. 你 和我 一起去屋顶 It'
  • 《了不起的菲丽西》精讲 28菲丽西与维克多见面 There's this boy, Rudolph, who, it turns out, 那个叫鲁道夫的芭蕾舞演员 is a real Russian prince 居然是俄罗斯王子 with a castle and peacocks and cheekbones! 他住在城堡里 养孔雀 有漂亮的高颧骨 And he took me on the r
  • 《了不起的菲丽西》精讲 29维克多的办公室 What's that? 这是什么啊 The Statue of Puberty, 青春女神像 soon to go to America! 它就要被运往美国 But it is a super secret, 但这是一个大秘密 so you did not see it, OK? 所以你就当什么也没看过 明白吗 OK. 好吧 S
  • 《了不起的菲丽西》精讲 30菲丽西的训练 First position, second, third, fourth, fifth. 一位二位三位四位五位 These five positions form the basis of everything. 这五种站法就是一切的基础 First position, second, third, fourth, fifth. 一位 二位 三位 四位 五位 Now