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  • 新奇事件簿 语言障碍阻碍全球科学进步 New research says that language barriers are holding back science around the world. English is widely accepted to be the language of science, but one-third of research is not published in English. This means a lot of important research is not seen or
  • 新奇事件簿 人类一半的时间在做白日梦 New research from Americas Harvard University shows people spend nearly half of their waking hours daydreaming, and not thinking about what they are actually doing. Moreover, they say this mind wandering is a sign of unhappiness. The study, to be pub
  • 新奇事件簿 使用棉签会损害听力 Doctors are now telling us what grandparents have known for decades - don't stick anything smaller than your elbow into your ears. An organization of ear specialists in the USA, the American Academy of Otolaryngology, has said cleaning your ears with
  • 新奇事件簿 科学家即将发现感冒新疗法 Scientists could soon find a cure for the common cold. Researchers have been trying for decades to help us fight the virus that visits us several times a year and gives us runny noses, sniffs, sneezes, coughs and days off work and school. There are h
  • 新奇事件簿 僵尸可在100天内消灭人类 Everyone knows that zombies only exist in horror movies. Or do they? A new article in the University of Leicester's 'Journal of Physics Special Topics' predicts that zombies would kill almost everyone on Earth in just 100 days. Students predicted the
  • 新奇事件簿 莫扎特音乐让香蕉更快成熟 Scientists have shown that Mozart has a positive effect on many things, but the great composer himself might be surprised that his music helps bananas ripen. A Japanese fruit company, Toyoka Chuo Seika, claims its bananas taste better after being exp
  • 新奇事件簿 周末锻炼足以让人长寿 There is good news for those who only have time to exercise at the weekend the so-called 'weekend warriors'. Cramming your recommended weekly exercise into several weekend sessions is sufficient to help you live longer. Researchers from Loughborough
  • 新奇事件簿 科学家研制出超强蜘蛛丝 A group of researchers from Sweden has unlocked one of nature's biggest secrets. The scientists worked out how spiders make such strong silk when they spin their spider webs. The silk that spiders spin is incredibly strong and is tougher than steel.
  • 新奇事件簿 善待动物组织购买LV股份 The animal rights pressure group PETA has purchased shares in the French luxury goods company Louis Vuitton Moet Hennessy (LVMH). PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) bought the shares in order to pressure LVMH to stop selling bags and
  • 新奇事件簿 八位富豪拥有全球一半财富 The world's eight richest men have as much money as half the world. A new report from the charity Oxfam said eight billionaires are as rich as the 3.6 billion poorest people in the world. Six of the world's richest people are from the USA. The riches
  • 新奇事件簿 说英语的国家肥胖问题最严重 Six of the seven countries with the highest obesity rates are English-speaking nations. This is according to a new report from the OECD (Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development). The country at the top of the list is the USA. This is f
  • 新奇事件簿 握手有力意味着长寿 Scientists say they have found key clues into how long we will live. One of them is a firm handshake. British researchers believe a strong grip is not just a sign of confidence but also an indicator of longevity. Lead author Dr Rachel Cooper, of Univ
  • 新奇事件簿 吃红辣椒帮你更长寿 There is good news for lovers of hot and spicy food the chili inside it can help you live longer. Researchers from the University of Vermont College of Medicine in the US have discovered that capsaicin, the active ingredient in hot red chili peppers,
  • 新奇事件簿 蚂蚁利用太阳位置确定方向 Ants are some of the most impressive creatures on this planet. There are so many things we do not know about them. Scientists have just discovered an amazing new fact about these tiny insects. It is about the way ants navigate the way they get from A
  • 新奇事件簿 曼彻斯特计划种植300万棵树木 The city of Manchester in England has embarked on an ambitious plan to plant three million trees. The project is called the City of Trees. Project director, Tony Hothersall, explained that the green venture had three main aims. He said: One is to pla