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  • 疑犯追踪第1季 第1期:给流浪汉录口供 When you find that one person who connects you to the world, you become someone different, someone better. 当你找到你在这个世上的羁绊,你就变了,变得更好。 When that person is taken from you... 而当这个人从你身边被夺走
  • 疑犯追踪第1季 第2期:死亡天使卡特 You know, you could have done me a favor and let those guys land a couple more punches. 你要是多揍那些小子几拳,也算是帮我忙了。 Question for you. 问你个问题。 Looking at that tape, I'd say you spent some time in the service
  • 疑犯追踪第1季 第3期:里瑟先生的底细 Do I owe you money? 我欠你钱吗? Cause I'm, uh...running a little short at the moment. 因为我现在手头有点紧。 You don't owe me anything, Mr. Reese. 你什么都不欠我,里瑟先生。 That's the name you prefer, isn't it? 你比较
  • 疑犯追踪第1季 第4期:一份恐怖的名单 What if you could stop those? 如果你能阻止这些罪行呢? I've got a list. 我有张名单。 A list of people who are about to be involved in very bad situations. Murders, kidnappings. 名单上的人都将被牵连到某种危险情况中。
  • 疑犯追踪第1季 第5期:一个及时赶到的机会 One three eight dot seven X-Ray. 138.7 X线。 12 August, 2008.1:37 a. m. 2008年8月12日,凌晨1点37分。 Too late. 太迟了。 This recording is three years old. 这份录音是三年前的。 A woman murdered in this room by her husband. 一个
  • 疑犯追踪第1季 第6期:标连了暴力罪行的社保号 Drivers licenses...credit cards. 驾照,信用卡。 Six cover identities. 六个掩护身份。 Funds to be replenished through a proxy corporation. 资金通过代理公司提供。 Just like when you were with the agency. 就跟你当年为情报局
  • 疑犯追踪第1季 第7期:40%的谋杀案涉及到恋爱关系 It is a tough job. 工作很辛苦, But I can look after myself. 但我能照顾自己。 You know that. 这你知道。 She's tough, but she's scared about something. 她很坚强,但有什么事让她害怕。 Given Hansen's job, we've got hund
  • 疑犯追踪第1季 第8期:一定是你在乎的人 Hansen's on the move. 汉森有动作了。 She's phoning county lockup, arranging a meeting with Pope...alone. 她打电话给了县拘留所,约波普单独会面。 Isn't my lawyer supposed to be here for this? 我的律师不是应该在场么?
  • 疑犯追踪第1季 第9期:希望周末永不结束 Hi, mom, it's Jessica. 妈妈,是我,洁西卡。 I'm just down in Mexico with Cindy, and I'll be back tomorrow. Okay? 我跟辛蒂一起去了墨西哥,我明天回家,好吗? Talk soon. Bye. 见面再说了,拜。 Cindy? 辛蒂? Yeah.
  • 疑犯追踪第1季 第10期:找到迈克 All right, thanks. 好的 谢了。 You went to see Pope last night? 你昨晚去见波普了吗 Yeah. I gave him one more chance to turn in his accomplice, cut a deal. 对 我又给了他次机会供出他的同伙 达成交易。 He give you anythi
  • 疑犯追踪第1季 第11期:有人先一步找到迈克波普 Pop, what about this one? 老爹,这个怎么样? Are you planning on buying that one? 你想买那个吗? I was just showing it to... 我就想显摆给... Put it back on the table before somebody else kicks your ass. 放回去免得被扁。
  • 疑犯追踪第1季 第13期:某个政府设施里的主机 But there was a problem with this machine. 但是机器有问题。 I had built it to prevent the next 9/11. 我造它是为了避免另一次911。 But it was seeing all sorts of crimes. 但是它却看到了各种犯罪。 So I had to teach the mac
  • 疑犯追踪第1季 第14期:担心威勒 Hey, Carter. 卡特? yeah? 什么事? You hear about your pal Anton? 听说那个安东的事了吗? No. 没有。 Him and his father tried to buy some guns. 他和他老子想要买些枪。 Wound up getting shot with their own merchandise. 结果
  • 疑犯追踪第1季 第15期:她是元凶 Yeah, I'm considering sticking around New York for a while. 我在考虑在纽约待上一阵子。 If I do, I'm gonna need someone on the inside, And you might come in handy. 要是这样,我需要有内部人士帮我,你应该能派上用场。
  • 疑犯追踪第1季 第16期:危险进行时 Wheeler's up there. 威勒在楼上。 He heads to the gym most nights. 他晚上大多都要去体育馆。 I got Doyle upstairs staking him out. 我让多伊尔在楼上盯着他。 The place is a dump. 这地方简直是个垃圾场。 There's no