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  • 欧美人文风情第376篇: 有话直说的好处

    Think she's cheating on me? No, I don't think so. 你们觉得她是不是劈腿?没有啦,我觉得不会。 Well, you should definitely talk to her. She's cheating on you, bro. Drop her. Right? 你绝对应该跟她谈谈。她就是劈腿啦,兄...

  • 欧美人文风情第375篇: 全世界最拥挤的岛屿

    A two-hour boat ride off the coast of Colombia is an island, the most densely-populated island on Earth. 从哥伦比亚海岸搭船两个小时会抵达一座小岛,这是地球上人口最稠密的岛屿。 Santa Cruz del Islote consists of more...

  • 欧美人文风情第374篇: 爱自己所有的模样

    Thank you, Mr. Secretary-General, UNICEF Executive Director, and all the excellencies and distinguished guests from across the world. 谢谢,秘书长先生,联合国儿童基金会执行董事,以及来自世界各地所有阁下及贵宾。 M...

  • 欧美人文风情第373篇: 什么是冒名顶替症候群?

    Even after writing 11 books and winning several prestigious awards, 尽管写了 11 本书并多次赢得知名奖项, Maya Angelou couldn't escape the nagging doubt that she hadn't really earned her accomplishments. 马雅安杰洛依然无法摆脱...

  • 欧美人文风情第372篇: 后羿与嫦娥的故事

    Once upon a time, 10 suns rose in the sky, scorching many crops and people to death. 很久很久以前,天空中有十颗太阳,土地上许多农作物和人民都被热死了。 A brave man called Hou Yi came to rescue them. He excelled at arc...

  • 欧美人文风情第371篇: 为什么中世纪画作中的宝宝都长得超丑

    So, you're going to the museum, and it's great. 你去参观一座博物馆,而且它超赞的。 The guards check your bag to make sure you won't, I don't know, shoot a painting. 守卫检查你的包包以防你开枪射一幅画之类的。 You...

  • 欧美人文风情第370篇: 左撇子们嗨起來

    What do these people have in common? If you answered with, They're all awesome, you'd probably be right. 这些人有什么共通点呢?如果你回答:他们都很了不起。你可能是对的。 But there's one more thing. Me and my close frie...

  • 欧美人文风情第369篇: 打电话给爸爸说我爱你

    Damn it, I'm crying. It was just not cool. 烦耶,我要哭了。一点都不好玩。 It is a beautiful day today. And we are gonna be celebrating Father's Day. 今天天气很好。我们今天要庆祝父亲节啦。 I'm gonna go up to random pe...

  • 欧美人文风情第368篇:婚前必看

    Marriage expert John Gottman can sit with newly engaged couples for 15 minutes or less and predict, with 94 percent success, 婚姻专家 John Gottman 只要和新婚夫妇坐在一起十五分钟,或甚至花更少的时间,就能得出准确率高...

  • 欧美人文风情第367篇:奇葩的婚礼致词

    All right. Congrats again to the newlyweds, and I hope everybody has a full drink 好的。再次恭喜这对新人,也希望大家喝得尽兴, because it is time for every wedding speech ever! 因为婚礼致词的时间到了! Hi, everyone. I...
