Lesson 10 Dialog 1: in store for(coming in the future) ,process(过程) F: I see some some major changes in store for style plus factory workers. M: Yes,they have two choices really.(realistically speaking. F: learn to use computers. M: right, learn t...
Lesson 9 Dialog1: fill an order(完成定单) F: So Dement, Style plus has a well-defined(明确) market niche. M: Yes,and their market is growing. F:and you said they can not keep up with the demand. M: Thats right, they are getting more orders than they...
Lesson 8 Dialog 1: On the Agenda(议事日程), outsource( 外包),manufacture(制造),clothing manufacturing(服装制造) F: Whats on your agenda today,Dament? M: Ill meet with Ms.Lucy Anderson ,chief resource officer(资源部主任) of Style Plus F: Style plus?...
Lesson 7 Dialog 1 Staff(集合名词,员工),computer literate(懂电脑) F: So far we only talked about equipment. M: I know, I am going to need new staff. F: You are going to need trained people to run this new equipment. M: They have to be computer liter...
Lesson 6 Dialog: New word:memory(内存),storage(存储空间),application(应用程序) M: In my research on the net, I learned One thing. F:Whats that? M: You can never have enough memory.(You =one 表泛指) F:That works for(=goes for=适用) both people and...
Lesson 5 Dialog 1 New word:vendor website(销售网址),specification=Specs FAQ=frequently asked questions F: How did the web search go?(表示询问) M: Superb. I visited a lot of vendor websites. F: Did you check out their product pages? M: Sure ,that is...
Lesson 4 New words: file(资料),download(下载) Dialog 1: F:Let me ask you this.Do you send files over the internet? M: A lot! We send graphic files back and forth all the time. F: so you download a lot of files too. M: Thats why we got the fast m...
Lesson 3 Multi-line phone(多线路电话),beeper(传呼机),cellphone(手机) Dialog1: F: Mr. Hyde, You are worried about making more investment. M: Especially investing in computers,The technology changed so rapidly. F: and you have to change with it. M:...
Lesson 2 New words:graphic Be laid off downsize F:How are things in the graphic design buisiness?Mr. Hyde(询问一般情况,非细节) M:Great, I really like being my own boss. F: You started your own buisiness last year, didnt you? M: yes , right after...
以下内容由网友topmmm听写,紧供参考。如果您觉得您写的更好,请发帖到 论坛 。 M:Tate associates is a global consultant firm, right? F:that's right,a few years ago,we had just two offices, now we're up to ninety M:why so m...