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  • 英语听力:自然百科 大堡礁 堡礁内外(12)

    It's been an absolutely exhausting night for any of the turtles that you can see behind me. 这绝对是精疲力竭的一夜,从我身后任何一只海龟身上,你都能看得出来。 In fact you can actually make out this old girl here is ab...

  • 英语听力:自然百科 大堡礁 堡礁内外(11)

    Each one of her clutch of 100 eggs is the size of a pingpong ball. 一窝蛋100个,每个蛋和乒乓球差不多大。 A soft shell prevents them from breaking as they drop into the hole. 蛋壳是软的,这样落入坑中时能避免摔破。 W...

  • 英语听力:自然百科 大堡礁 堡礁内外(10)

    There are just too many turtles for the space available. 海龟数量太多,但岛上空间有限。 She spends much of the night heaving her bulk back and forth across the sand, searching for a vacant nest site. 这位妈妈花了大半个晚上拖着...

  • 英语听力:自然百科 大堡礁 堡礁内外(9)

    They are one of the ten species of whales that visit the reef each year. 座头鲸是每年造访大堡礁十种鲸鱼当中的一种。 They were once hunted almost to extinction, but numbers here have bounced back to 15 thousand, about half the pre...

  • 英语听力:自然百科 大堡礁 堡礁内外(8)

    By hanging onto the rope, my position is predictable, so the whale is quite unafraid. 因为靠在绳子上,我的位置一目了然,所以鲸鱼一点也不畏惧。 The michanical twang of their call is so powerul you feel it rather than hear i...

  • 英语听力:自然百科 大堡礁 堡礁内外(7)

    It's a dwarf of minke whales,one of the smallest of great whales. 这是一头侏儒小须鲸,侏儒小须鲸是巨鲸里最小的一种。 The turtle have swum from as far away as islands in the South Pacific. 海龟们来自遥远的太平洋岛屿...

  • 英语听力:自然百科 大堡礁 堡礁内外(6)

    The bulk of her heavy body presses down on all her vital organs. 身体的绝大部分重量都压在所有重要器官上。 She's beautifully adapted to a life at sea, but ill-equipped to move about on land. 海龟在海里游刃有余,可到陆地...

  • 英语听力:自然百科 大堡礁 堡礁内外(5)

    The birds have flown in from New Guinea and Japan to the north, Fiji to the east and even from the Asian mainland, thousands of kilometers away. 海鸟们来自北边的新几内亚和日本,东边的斐济,甚至从数千公里的亚洲大陆飞来...

  • 英语听力:自然百科 大堡礁 堡礁内外(4)

    Islands with deep sand and covered in vegatation are more stable, and one island in particular seems just right. 只有那些有深厚沙石且植被覆盖的岛屿才是合适的地点,而有一个小岛尤其符合这些条件。 In the far north...

  • 英语听力:自然百科 大堡礁 堡礁内外(3)

    It's all exciting to see a large animal in the sea, and of course, the turtles are very iconic species in marine world. 能看到大型海洋动物总是令人很兴奋,不用说海龟是非常有代表性的海洋动物。 And I'm surrounded by th...
