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  • 新奇事件簿 中国成为拥有驻外机构最多的国家

    China is now the country with the most diplomatic posts around the world. Diplomatic posts are embassies, consulates, high commissions and other places to represent a country overseas. China overtook the USA as the country with the most diplomatic po...

  • 新奇事件簿 教皇呼吁全球核裁军

    Pope Francis has called on nations to end their nuclear arms race while on a tour to Japan. The Pontiff is on the first Papal visit to Japan in 38 years. He visited the only two cities ever to have been subjected to a nuclear attack - Nagasaki and Hi...

  • 新奇事件簿 苹果删除网上商店用户评论

    The computer giant Apple has removed all customer reviews from several of its online Apple stores. The reviews section was a useful way for customers to leave feedback for other people about Apple's products. The reviews section on the Apple Store be...

  • 新奇事件簿 酷玩乐队不再举行全球巡演

    The rock band Coldplay has announced it will not be going on tour to promote its latest album because of the environmental damage touring might cause. It is standard business practice in the music industry for well-known artists to go on a world tour...

  • 新奇事件簿 孟加拉国洋葱危机

    Onions are very important in Bangladeshi cuisine. The vegetable is a staple in the country's cooking. However, many people are finding it difficult to buy onions. There is a shortage of them, which means prices have rocketed. Many Bangladeshis simply...

  • 新奇事件簿 网上购物成瘾是一种精神疾病

    The advent of the Internet has brought with it the convenience of shopping at our leisure in the comfort of our own home. However, for many, the allure of shopping for bargains and treats can turn into an addiction. Experts believe there is a danger...

  • 新奇事件簿 科学家称昆虫灾难即将来临

    Scientists say that global warming isn't the only serious threat to humans. Another major threat is the falling numbers of insects and the extinction of many species. Scientists say that half of all insects worldwide have been declining since the 197...

  • 新奇事件簿 玻利维亚迎来新领导人

    Bolivia has a new leader. She is opposition senator Jeanine ?ez, who has declared herself interim president following the resignation of former-president Evo Morales on Sunday. Ms ?ez said she was next in line to be president under Bolivia's constitu...

  • 新奇事件簿 英国航空公司二氧化碳排放超标

    An employee who works for British Airways (BA) has told newspapers about the company creating more CO2. The unnamed person is a whistleblower - someone who tells the truth about company secrets. The whistleblower said BA and many other airlines use f...

  • 新奇事件簿 世界最大石油公司上市

    Saudi Aramco, the world's biggest oil producer, has announced that it will float its shares on the Saudi Stock Exchange. The news has been much anticipated by financial analysts around the world. The flotation is causing a lot of excitement among spe...
