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  • 神奇“机器人手套”让你秒获超人之力

    Factory workers are about to get super-human strength thanks to Nasa's 'Robo-Glove'. 有了美国航天局(NASA)研发的机器人手套,工厂工人将获超人之力。 The glove helped scientists control Robonaut 2, a humanoid that provided...

  • 如何在机器人时代不纠结

    An IBM executive told a recent conference that when supercomputer Deep Blue was halfway through its 1997 chess match with Garry Kasparov, it made a random move, due to a software bug. Assuming the machine was smarter than it was, Kasparov later made...

  • 机器人产业五年发展规划出炉 提出五项主要任务

    Robots are not only for fun and games, it's also a very serious industry in China. 机器人不仅是为了娱乐和游戏,它在中国也是一个非常严肃的产业。 The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Development and Ref...

  • 中科大推出首个美女机器人:太逼真了!

    An ultra-realistic robot was unveiled last week by researchers from the University of Science and Technology in China (USTC). 上周,由中国科技大学研究人员开发的高仿真机器人正式揭开面纱。 Jia Jia, as the female robot has...

  • 日本机器人小说家入围文学奖

    Could a writing robot make novelists obsolete? 机器人作家会让人类小说家失业吗? It might not happen anytime soon, but then again, it might. In Japan, a short novel co-written by an artificial intelligence program (its co-author is hum...

  • 人形机器人惊艳柏林国际旅游展

    Chihira Kanae is greeting visitors to the world's biggest travel fair in Berlin this week, answering questions and guiding people in the right direction. But one passer by's attempt to ask her out for dinner is met with silence. 在本周于柏林举办...

  • 机器人你见过 喝酒会脸红的机器人你见过么

    Drinky the robot can drink you under the table, but you'll never have to worry about him getting out of control. 这个名叫drinky的小机器人能把你灌醉,不过你完全不用担心他会喝醉酒失去控制。 The automated drinking buddy...

  • 韩国发明陪酒机器人:喝多了会脸红!

    With this mechanical friend, you'll never have to drink alone! 有了这个陪酒机器人,妈妈再也不担心我一个人喝闷酒了! Some creative visionaries harness the power of technology to help people work more efficiently or to stay co...

  • 全球最逼真人形机器人纳丁亮相

    The world's most human-like robot has begun work as a university receptionist as scientists predict the new technology will eventually provide childcare and offer friendship to lonely elderly people. 世界上最逼真的人形机器人纳丁已经开始...

  • 不听话的机器人已经出现了

    If Hollywood ever had a lesson for scientists it is what happens if machines start to rebel against their human creators. 如果说好莱坞曾经给科学家们一个教训,那一定是机器人开始反抗它们的创造者人类。 Yet despite t...
