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  • 《爱丽丝梦游仙境》精讲 40灾难之始

    No! My head. Stupid roses. 不 我的头 什么破玫瑰 The Princess. Oh, no. 她是公主 不 Is your head all right, miss? Careful. It's swelling up. 你的头还好吧 小姐 小心点 肿起来了 Iracebeth? Iracebeth! 伊瑞瑟贝斯 伊瑞瑟贝...

  • 《爱丽丝梦游仙境》精讲 39伊瑞瑟贝斯受冤

    Here you are, little ants. A nice new home. 吃吧 小蚂蚁 这个新家真漂亮 What did I tell you two? No more tarts. 我刚才怎么跟你们说的 不许再吃果塔了 I didn't eat any tarts. 我一个果塔也没吃 Why are these crusts unde...

  • 《爱丽丝梦游仙境》精讲 38时间的惩罚

    Very good. Very clever. Well played, sir. Well played. 说得好 真聪明 装的好 先生 装的好 Thank you. 谢谢你 You were asking me before when soon is? Let me try to explain when is now, all right? Now is... Exactly 1 minute till tea time....

  • 《爱丽丝梦游仙境》精讲 37帽子被毁

    Stop. You'll ruin it. 别动 你会弄坏的 Now, let me finish. 等下 快好了 Oh, dear. 糟糕 Oh, well. Tomorrow... I'll show you precisely how to make a proper hat. 真是 等明天我让你看看一顶好帽子究竟是怎么做成的 Tarrant?...

  • 《爱丽丝梦游仙境》精讲 36泰伦家

    Chessur.Where have you been? You're late. 妙妙 你上哪去了 来晚了 Actually, I'm right on time. I've got time on my hand. 准确来说 我是踩着时间点儿来的 我手里有大把时间 Do you silly nitwits... Really think that I have no...

  • 《爱丽丝梦游仙境》精讲 35少年时的疯帽子

    It's nearly six. 就快六点了 Hello. You have a very nice head. 你好 你的头长得真漂亮 Thank you. 谢谢 And a nice head deserves a very nice hat. That's what my father says.He makes the best hats in witzend. Would you like him to make yo...

  • 《爱丽丝梦游仙境》精讲 34时间被耍

    Would ya like a scone? Scone. 要来个司康饼吗 司康饼 No. So... 不 If you are really time itself, yourself, or whatever suchness you claim... 如果您真的就是时间的化身或者说您说的什么别的大来头 Scone. Scone. 司康饼...

  • 《爱丽丝梦游仙境》精讲 33语无伦次的时间

    Your majesty. Nice to meet you, sir. 我的陛下 见到您很荣幸 先生 I seek a thief of meager intellect.Her hair... Yes? Yellowish.Her name... Alice. 我在找一个女小偷 这个家伙有点笨 她的头发 请说 金黄色 她的名字 爱丽...

  • 《爱丽丝梦游仙境》精讲 32时间遇到疯帽子

    Who was that strange girl? 那个姑娘是谁 Oh, dear. 天哪 天哪 Don't worry, men. We can do this! 别担心 兄弟们 我们能行 坚持住 Just not with him. 好吧 除了他以外 Cheer up, tarrant.We'll have fun now that you're living here....

  • 《爱丽丝梦游仙境》精讲 31可美兰娜道歉

    Tarrant, wait! Your family will be lost and you will have done nothing to stop it! Fine. I'll warn them myself. 泰伦 等等 你的家人会有大麻烦 而你会什么忙都帮不到 那好 我自己去提醒他们 Mr. hightopp. If I could just hav...
