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  • 每日一词【1113】Honor:表达敬意

    今天我们要学的词是honor. Honor, 动词,表达敬意。 The school renamed the stadium to honor its basketball coach who served the school for 30 years, 学校用任职30年的教练的名字重新命名球场,表达对他的敬意。同事...

  • 每日一词【1112】take some heat:受到批评

    今天我们要学的词是take some heat。 To take some heat, 受到批评。 The candidate is taking some heat for his stance on illegal immigrants, 候选人因为在非法移民问题上的立场而受到批评。华盛顿红人队教练沙纳汉因...

  • 每日一词【1111】Sound off about something:抱怨

    今天我们要学的词是sound off。 To sound off about something, 有抱怨的意思。 Local residents sounded off about plans to cut library hours, 当地居民对缩短图书馆的开放时间表示不满。 The player sounded off about the te...

  • 每日一词【1110】Faze:使人感到困扰,胆怯

    今天我们要学的词是faze。 Faze, 意思是使人感到困扰,胆怯,通常用于否定句。 Criticism doesnt faze him, 别人的批评不会让他乱了阵脚。 We had lost three games in a row, but that didnt faze us, 我们虽然连输三...

  • 每日一词【1109】Compelling:令人信服的

    今天我们要学的词是compelling。 Compelling, 做为形容词,有令人信服的意思。现任州长做了很多改善民生的事情, I see no compelling reason to vote him out of office, 我看不出任何令人信服的理由,要投票...

  • 每日一词【1108】Toss-up:胜负机会各半

    今天我们要学的词是toss-up。 Toss-up, 意思是胜负机会各半,胜负难分的事情。球队首发投球手肩膀受伤。 Whether he can play in the next game is a toss-up, 下场比赛能否上场很难讲。 The governors race is a...

  • 每日一词【1107】Fired up:激动的,热情的

    今天我们要学的词是fired up。 Fired up, 意思是激动的,热情的。 The students are totally fired up about the upcoming math competition, 学生们兴奋地期待着即将举行的数学竞赛。 The candidate got the crowd fired up w...

  • 每日一词【1106】Commanding:占据主导地位

    今天我们要学的词是commanding。 Commanding, 做为形容词,有占据主导地位的意思。 Our team holds a commanding edge in the shooting percentage, 我们队在投球命中率上占优势。在美国加州州长竞选中, Democrat...

  • 每日一词【1105】Germ:病菌,细菌

    今天我们要学的词是germ。 Germ,病菌,细菌。流感季节到了,现在很多家庭都备有洗手液,但是最新研究指出, Hand Sanitizers only work for 2 minutes to kill germs. 洗手液杀菌的功能只能持续两分钟。不...

  • 每日一词【1104】Public domain:公共领域

    今天我们要学的词是public domain。 Public domain, 公共领域。 When a work is in the public domain, it can be used by anyone and for any purpose without restrictions, 公共领域内的作品,任何人都可以不受限制地用于任何目...
