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  • 美文欣赏-减轻精神压力的三种有效方法

    Three Powerful Steps to Relieve Stress 减轻精神压力的三种有效方法 What is stress? Why do we have stress? How can we relieve stress? Do you ever feel like you have too much on your plate? Everyone expects something from you and you don't seem to have...

  • 美文欣赏-如何愉快地工作

    If you are a relatively junior employee at your company, though you carry out a very important role, you may not always be recognised. You might also face some of the following challenges: Little fulfilment at work Long working hours Conflicting dema...

  • 美文欣赏-心灵之爱

    有些人的爱情始于外表相悦,而有些人的爱情则始于心灵相悦。建立在外表基础上的爱情最终经不住风吹雨打,像自然之花一样终会凋谢;而建立在心灵基础上的爱情则可以经得住任何考验,永远吐露芬芳,越是在障碍重重的时候,其芳香越是沁人心脾。真正的爱情在于后者。 John...

  • 美文欣赏-世界地图是怎么拼起来的?

    There was a man who had a little boy that he loved very much. Everyday after work the man would come home and play with the little boy. He would always spend all of his extra time playing with the little boy. One night, while the man was at work, he...

  • 美文欣赏-What will matter?人生的意义

    Ready or not, some day it will all come to an end. There will be no more sunrises, no days, no hours or minutes. All the things you collected, whether treasured or forgotten, will pass to someone else. Your wealth, fame and temporal power will shriv...

  • 美文欣赏-Growing roots 成长的树根

    When I was growing up, I had an old neighbor named Dr. Gibbs. He didnt look like any doctor Id ever known. He never yelled at us for playing in his yard. I remember him as someone who was a lot nicer than circumstances warranted. When Dr. Gibbs wasn...

  • 美文欣赏-九月,关于秋的咏叹调

    时光再次辗转,即将进入九月,我们的记忆也被染成金黄色。秋色,是滤过春的轻佻、夏的浮躁、冬的寂聊之后,一年中最温暖、最丰富、最成熟的美。1960年,词作者Tom Jones以诗人的细腻情怀,记录下了关于秋的咏叹Try to Remember(《常追忆》)。 Try to Remember是Tom J...

  • 美文欣赏-充实你的思想

    Since the pre-historic times, man has had an urge to satisfy his needs. Be it hunger, shelter or search for a mate, he has always manipulated the circumstances to the best of his advantages. Probably this might be the reason why we human are the mos...

  • 美文欣赏-Messages of hope for working class

    For the grassroot masses, the policies-setting report delivered at the once-every-five-year national congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) is probably too multifarious and too macro-sounding to study. The one passed by the just concluded 17...

  • 美文欣赏-A girl's smile 女孩的微笑

    大约十年前,我还在上大学,当时我在学校自然历史博物馆里实习。有一天,当我在赠品店的收银机那里忙活时,看到一对年迈的夫妇,推着一辆轮椅走了进来,轮椅上坐了个小女孩。 About ten years ago when I was an undergraduate in college, I was working as an intern...
