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  • 名篇背诵17:真正的高贵(海明威)

    编者按: 反思自己的过错 以至于不重蹈覆辙才是真正的悔悟 比他人优越并无任何高贵之处 真正的高贵在于超越过去的自我 True Nobility In a calm sea every man is a pilot But all sunshine without shade all pl...

  • 名篇背诵16:棒球运动中也有信仰(乔.威廉斯)

    编者按: 我见过有些游击手在比赛中故意出现失误,这些失误其他游击手压根儿不会考虑,因为他们脑子里想的是自己的个人表现记录。选择故意失误的游击手想的是球队的胜利,为了顾全球...

  • 名篇背诵15:自由思想与心灵的作用(杰基·罗宾逊)

    编者按: 我相信人类。 我相信热诚的心。 我相信人们的正直与诚实。 我相信自由社会中的美德。 我相信只要我们愿意为之奋斗,愿意与所存在的缺陷抗争到底,这个社会就能永远美好。 F...

  • 名篇背诵14: 在探索中成长

    编者按: 美丽总会稍纵即逝,从外到内,给人留下无尽的感伤。对美的需求是人类最崇高的善举,是人类灵魂最伟大的天赋。 Growing in the Middle Ground Anne Phipps I believe that my beliefs are changing. No...

  • 名篇背诵13:更光明的未来(海伦.凯勒)

    编者按: 地球是多数人的幸福家园。但信念是精神的一种状态。人只要拥有信念,就不会轻言放弃。倘若他不得已颠沛流离,就会再次建起一座房子,那是地球上任何飓风都无法摧毁的。 Th...

  • 名篇背诵12: 乐于奉献(哈罗德.泰勒博士)

    编者按: 我信仰人类,信仰透明、纯粹的人性。倾听人们的心声,帮助他们达成所愿,得到需要的东西,这也是我的信仰。 Give Part of Yourself Away By DR.HAROLD TAYLOR We are living in one of those periods i...

  • 名篇背诵11:精神食粮

    Food for thought There are moments in life when you miss someone so much that you just want to pick them from your dreams and hug them for real! When the door of happiness closes, another opens, but often times we look so long at the closed door that...

  • 名篇背诵10:独居的报偿

    The other day an acquaintance of mine, a gregarious and charming man, told me he had found himself unexpectedly alone in New York for an hour or two between appointments. He went to the Whitney and spent the empty time looking at things in solitary b...

  • 名篇背诵09:少女

    The tree has entered my hands, The sap has ascended my arms, The tree has grown in my breast- Downward, The branches grow out of me, like arms. Tree you are, Moss you are, You are violets with wind above them. A child - so high - you are, And all thi...

  • 名篇背诵08:在海边

    At the Edge of the Sea By Rachel Carson The shore is an ancient world, for as long as there has been an earth and se a there has been this place of the meeting of land and water. Yet it is a world that keeps alive the sense of continuing creation and...
