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  • Lesson 42-2 Future Plans 未来计划

    Listen to the dialogues and fill in T for True, F fo r False for the questions below. 英语对话1 A:When will you submit your homework? B:l'II submit it next Monday. 英语对话2 A:Will you get your exam results tomorrow? B:No. lt's the day after...

  • Lesson 42-1 Future Plans 未来计划

    Listen to the statement and check out whats he will or won't do on the schedule tomorrow. Tomorrow will be a very busy day for me. First, I shall arrive at the office around 6:00 in the morning. Thus, I won't have my breakfast at home. After the morn...

  • Lesson 41-2 News 新闻

    Listen to the dialogues and fill in T for True, F for False base on Stephen's responses. 英语对话1 A:Stephen, do you know that Fl race is going to take place in Singapore in the near future? B:Yes.Not only that, it will be the first nig ht racing...

  • Lesson 41-1 News 新闻

    Listen to the news and choose the news' category. 1.David Beckham has quit his team in Spain and joins a soccer team in the States. The move was officially announced on January 2007. 2.In the news today, USA increased their armies in I raq by five th...

  • Lesson 40-2 Vacations 假期

    Listen to the statements and check the best response. 1.I went camping and was stung by a wild bee. 2.I went to the British Museum and saw the Mummies of Ancient Egyptl 3.You won't believe that I saw Tom Cruise in Las Vegas. 4.I stay in town and play...

  • Lesson 40-1 Vacations 假期

    Listen to the dialogues and circle out their plan for vacation. 英语对话1 A:Where are you going on your summer holiday? B:l'm not going anywhere. l'II stay at home and watch DVDs. 英语对话2 A:Do you have any plan for the Christmas holiday? B:...

  • Lesson 39-2 Cooking 烹饪

    Listen to the customer's complains to the foods and check the proper answers. 1.Excuse me. This chicken is undercooked. 2.Hmm... sir. Is the fish raw? 3.Sir, the steak is overcooked.lt's too hard to chew. 4.Excuse me, sir, this side of the bread is b...

  • Lesson 38-2 Daily Life 生活作息

    Listen to the question sentences and choose the proper answers. 英语对话1 A:What time do you usually get up in the Sunday morning? B:I usually get up at around lO:OOam. 英语对话2 A:Does your mother allow you to stay out late? B:No. And, l've...

  • Lesson 37-2 Schedules 行程表

    Listen to the questions and choose the proper answers. 1.When does the meeting start? 2.How long is the meeting going to last? 3.Where shall we go after the meeting? 4.What shall we do before the meeting? 5.Why don't we meet Dr. Wang earlier? 英语听...

  • Lesson 37-1 Schedules 行程表

    Listen to the dialogues and note down next week's schedule. A:Hi, Christine, this is Melissa l'm calling for next week's schedule. B:Oh, yes. On Monday, you'II have an afternoon meeting at 4:30 with the new designers. A:I see. How about Tuesday? B:Ye...
