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  • 慢速英语短文听力 流浪汉

    Homeless People 流浪汉 Los Angeles is a big city. There are millions of people here. But thousands of people have no home. They are homeless people. They live on the sidewalks. They sleep on the sidewalks. They are called street people. They dont...

  • 慢速英语短文听力 沙滩风情

    A Day at the Beach 沙滩风情 She was new in town. The town was near the ocean. She wanted to visit the beach. She had a new friend. She asked her new friend to take her to the beach. Her friend said okay. They went to the beach. It was a hot sunny...

  • 慢速英语短文听力 谢谢妈妈

    Thank You, Mom 谢谢妈妈 I love my mom. She took care of me when I was very young. She took care of me when I was sick. She taught me how to read. She taught me how to get dressed. She taught me how to button my shirt. She taught me how to tie my...

  • 慢速英语短文听力 房租

    The Check for Rent 房租 He is looking at the calendar. Today is January 30. It is Friday. Tomorrow will be Saturday. Tomorrow will be the last day of the month. Sunday will be the first day of next month. Sunday will be the first day of February. H...

  • 慢速英语短文听力 赌场

    At the Casino 赌场 She went to the casino. A casino is a gambling house. People gamble in a casino. They take a chance with their money. They hope they will win. Sometimes they do. But usually they lose. It was her birthday. She took $100 to the ca...

  • 慢速英语短文听力 彩虹生活

    Life is a Rainbow 彩虹生活 We do not live in a black and white world. We live in a rainbow world. Colors are everywhere. Colors are beautiful. A toilet bowl is white. A panda is white and black. A crow is black. The sky and the ocean are blue. An...

  • 慢速英语短文听力 方形和圆形

    Squares and Circles 方形和圆形 Different shapes and forms are everywhere. Boxes and street signs are square or rectangular. Balls and wheels are round. The sun and moon are round. Wedding rings are round. Eggs and light bulbs are almost round. P...

  • 慢速英语短文听力 不要做傻事

    Don't be Stupid 不要做傻事 Why do people do stupid things? Some people try to walk across freeways. They get run over. Some people stand on the edge of cliffs. They slip and fall to their death. Some people think a gun is not loaded. They point...

  • 慢速英语短文听力 小猫

    New Kittens 小猫 Mama cat had six new kittens. Three kittens were black, and two were white. One kitten was black, with white feet and a white face. Nancy asked, Mom, can we keep all the kittens? Her mom said no. We cant afford to keep six kittens,...

  • 慢速英语短文听力 我的女朋友

    My Girlfriend 我的女朋友 I love my girlfriend. She is sweet and kind. She makes me laugh. She loves me. We have fun together. We go to movies and to restaurants. We go to the beach to swim. We go to the park for picnics. We watch TV together. We...
