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当前位置:主页 > TAG标签 > 面试
  • 面试时求职者最适合问的6种问题

    1. Why? Questions like Why did you close down your parts business rather than try to find a buyer for it? or Why did you decide to move to a product-based organization structure? which it sounds as if you're already asking not only show you've done y...

  • 如何准备实习面试

    Internships are often unpaid positions that last for a set amount of time -- a semester, a quarter or the entire summer, for instance. The interview process is the most important part of securing the internship。 实习职位通常都是没有薪水的...

  • 风趣的英语面试自我介绍

    My English name is Julie. I chose Julie to be my English name because my family name is Zhu. I guess I'm not the first Julie you have interviewed, because there are so many Julies, hehe. My hometown is Wuhan, so I speak Hubei dialect in addition to M...

  • 面试不可涉及的八大问题


  • 面试利器:如何向考官提问

    面试利器:如何向考官提问 面试最后,面试官总会问你还有什么问题吗?大多数人会回答没有问题,或者问一些让你减分的傻问题。其实,在面试中,问对问题,问好问题,往往可以让你在面...

  • 成功面试的十大准备(双语)

    1. Call Company Receptionists 打个电话给前台 Before you screw up your day and the person is who would talk to you, better check the companys profile. Make enough research about the position that you are applying for. It is always important tha...

  • 如何在“英语面试”中脱颖而出

    见面后要亲切问候 求职者带给面试官的第一印象一定要落落大方,见面后一定要亲切问候。通常面试官的桌上会有名牌,如果面试官姓李,求职者可以从Good morning, Mr. Lee开始,拉近两人的距离...

  • 手把手带你走通面试流程

    Job interviews are stressful; most of us are not sales people and yet, in order to secure a job, we have to sell ourselves. Selling our skills is something we can learn how to do and a key to this is to be proactive. Proactive means to anticipate pot...

  • 面试的真正目的是什么?

    Hiring managers today have a lot of tools at their disposal to figure out if youre qualified for a job. The Internet reveals your history, and often the content and quality of your work; LinkedIn (一个网站,专为商务人士建立联系而用)...

  • 请求面谈及客套语

    1. If you care to give my an interview,I shall be pleased to call any afternoon except Monday. 2. I shall be obliged if you will give me a personal interview at your convenience. 3. If you do not have any vacancies at present for which I might be con...
