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  • 口语800句 2-32 在外用餐时

    32 在外用餐时 [00:04.04]●在快餐厅里 [00:05.84]I'd like a hamburger and an iced tea. (要一个汉堡和一杯冰茶。 ) [00:16.48]May I have two hot dogs, please? (我要两个热狗。) [00:24.69]With ketchup and mustard, please.( 请加蕃...

  • 每天一课英语口语 UNIT 112-129

    [00:00.00]112 Barbecue [00:03.08]Do you like roasted meat? [00:06.40]We are planning a barbecue. [00:09.01]I'll see if I can be a help. [00:11.23]We are finishing in no time. [00:14.26]A: Hi, Jenny. Do you like roasted meat? [00:19.10]B: Yes, very mu...

  • VOA标准英语2011--Some States Like it HOT

    Some States Like it HOT Many air travelers in the United States gladly pay extra - sometimes a lot extra - to ride in first class rather than coach. Up front, they enjoy roomier seats, faster boarding, and free drinks. And now the pay-to-be-pampered...

  • 英语动画:I Like Doing / to Do It Flash

    [全屏观看] 点击右键- 另存为 可保存这个Flash影片...

  • 英语动画:I Really Like Doing / to Do It

    [全屏观看] 点击右键- 另存为 可保存这个Flash影片...

  • Unhappy kids 不开心的孩子

    Express English 英语特快 Express English ? British Broadcasting Corporation 2011 Unhappy kids 不开心的孩子 What makes children unhappy? 什么东西让孩子们不开心? This is what some children in London told us: Boy 1: Probably having...

  • 听歌学英语:Some one like you-Sissel Kyrkjebo

    听歌学英语:Some one like you-Sissel Kyrkjebo Sissel Kyrkjebo是挪威著名的女歌手,于1969年出生于挪威,4岁时就参加儿童合唱团,并开始在挪威电视台多次露面。她从16岁出第一张唱片,以其空灵清澈的...

  • 英语动画:I Like to Climb

    [全屏观看] 点击右键- 另存为 可保存这个Flash影片...

  • Food / Food and Drink 食物 / 饮食

    英语小测验 Food / Food and Drink 食物 / 饮食 从下面选项中选择正确答案;单击核对答案按钮,核对你的答案. Your score: 0/6 Your score: 1/6 Your score: 2/6 Your score: 3/6 Your score: 4/6 Your score: 5/6 Your score: 6/...

  • 听歌学英语:Take it like a Man (张靓颖)

    听歌学英语:Take it like a Man (张靓颖) 仅仅是一年的时间,一个籍籍无名的爱唱歌的女孩,实现了人生最大的飞跃。从千万人中脱颖而出,张靓颖,用令太多人侧目和骄傲的音乐实力证明,她一路...
