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  • 李阳疯狂英语口语突破mp3 3202

    2. How Top 1: How delicious! Top 2: How generous he was! Top 3: How smart your son is! How pretty you look in that blue dress. Nobody took the garbage out of my office for the whole month I was away, and there were rats in my office when I got back!...

  • 李阳疯狂英语口语突破mp3 3201

    1. What Top 1: What bad news it is! Top 2: What a beautiful day! Top 3: What a drastic change! You know, I locked my keys in the car, and my little baby was trapped inside! What a nightmare! Jim and Cindy are always together and they never fight. Wha...

  • 李阳疯狂英语口语突破mp3 3104

    4. Stop Top 1: Stop fighting! Top 2: Stop it! You're hurting me! Top 3: Stop shouting! You are giving me a headache!...

  • 李阳疯狂英语口语突破mp3 3103

    3. Don't be... Top 1: Don't be lazy. Top 2: Don't be foolish. Top 3: Don't be childish. Do you think these white socks look okay with my black sandals and red pants? Don't be such a nerd! When are you going to learn how to dress yourself properly?...

  • 李阳疯狂英语口语突破mp3 3102

    2. Don't Top 1: Don't move. Top 2: Don't believe him. He's a cheat. Top 3: Don't get your clothes dirty. Don't disturb me when I'm working. I'm sorry. I didn't know you were working. You looked like you were sleeping....

  • 李阳疯狂英语口语突破mp3 3101

    1. Be... Top 1: Be careful. Top 2: Be polite to the guests. Top 3: Be specific. Be my guest. Thanks. I appreciate the hospitality. I am so nervous about my date tonight. I don't know how to act. Be yourself. Nobody likes a phony....

  • 疯狂英语突破句型 Part 3

    [00:-0.50]要 [00:-1.00]Top 1:Be careful! [00:-1.50]小心! [00:-2.00]Top 2:Be polite to the guests. [00:-2.50]要礼貌待客。 [00:-3.00]Top 3:Be specific! [00:-3.50]说详细一点! [00:-4.00]A:Be my guest! [00:-4.50]A:别客气! [00:-5.0...

  • 疯狂英语突破句型 Part 2

    1.How about...? [00:-0.50]怎么样? [00:-1.00]Top 1:How about taking a walk? [00:-1.50]出去散散步怎么样? [00:-2.00]Top 2:How about parking here? [00:-2.50]把车停放在这儿行吗? [00:-3.00]Top 3:How about going for a trip? [00:-3....

  • Top Universities 英国的顶尖大学

    Universities: Top Universities 英国的顶尖大学 Andrea: We all dream of learning at the best academic institutions. Jean: 从牛津到剑桥,在英国有着很多所世界闻名的优秀学府。 Andrea: So which are the UKs top universities?...

  • 英语语法:23 Top Ten Grammar Myths

    March 4 is National Grammar Day, so I have a special top-10 show to celebrate the occasion, and before you argue with me, read the whole explanation about why each of these is a myth. The podcast version of this article is brought to you by Audible.c...
