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  • VOA双语新闻:4、美国干旱点燃粮食和能源之役

    美国干旱点燃粮食和能源之役 This summers scorching drought in the US Midwest has re-kindled a fight over the supply of maize as competition heats up between livestock producers and ethanol fuel production. The price of maize called corn i...

  • VOA双语新闻:3、美国大选影响未来财税政策走向

    美国大选影响未来财税政策走向 Unless the U.S. Congress acts, most Americans will pay more taxes next year to a federal government forced to slash domestic and national defense spending. Such an outcome would significantly cut the deficit...

  • VOA双语新闻:2、美国好奇号将登陆火星

    美国好奇号将登陆火星 The U.S. space agency is preparing for its newest Mars rover, Curiosity, to touch down on the Red Planet on August 6. The rover's entry and descent will be nerve-wracking for NASA engineers, compounded by a 14-minute de...

  • VOA双语新闻:1、法国人的新爱好:学中文

    法国人的新爱好:学中文 Not so long ago, Americans and Japanese tourists were the major spenders in France. During these summer months, France's tourism industry now is courting additional clients with major purchasing power: the Chinese. F...

  • VOA双语新闻:11、先行一步的加州枪支管制法

    先行一步的加州枪支管制法 California has some of the strictest gun control laws in the United States, which some Americans see as a model for future national laws. But others worry about the erosion of the right to bear arms as stated in t...

  • VOA双语新闻:10、密西西比河水位下降威胁航运

    密西西比河水位下降威胁航运 The Mississippi River is the longest and most economically important waterway in the United States. But a lack of rainfall is reducing the depth of the river. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is surveying the r...

  • VOA双语新闻:9、美国中西部大旱 玉米遭灾

    美国中西部大旱 玉米遭灾 Record high temperatures and a lack of rainfall are creating the worst drought conditions for U.S. farmers in a generation. The U.S. Department of Agriculture has declared more than 1,000 counties in 26 states natur...

  • VOA双语新闻:8、加纳举重选手备战残奥会

    加纳举重选手备战残奥会 The Paralympic Games will be staged in London less than three weeks after the 2012 Summer Olympics end. 伦敦奥运会结束后不到三个星期,残奥会也将在伦敦举行。 Charles Teye is a disabled Ghanai...

  • VOA双语新闻:7、塞内加尔女运动员出征奥运会

    塞内加尔女运动员出征奥运会 Wrestling matches in Senegal usually take place between large men on a sandy surface in front of massive crowds. 在塞内加尔,摔跤通常是膀大腰圆的男子汉们展示自己力量的运动。 But a...

  • VOA双语新闻:6、地球最艰难障碍赛难不倒最强悍者

    地球最艰难障碍赛难不倒最强悍者 Tough Mudder is not your typical run in the mountains; it is a world-class military-designed obstacle course. In fact, it's the type of thing you're told never to try at home with gut-wrenching obstacles...
