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  • VOA标准英语2013--Urban Farms Bloom in Concrete Desert

    Urban Farms Bloom in Concrete Desert Farms are sprouting up in vacant city lots and abandoned properties across the United States. By tilling the soil in places where people have little access to fresh food, these urban farms have the power to change...

  • VOA标准英语2013--Bradley Manning 因间谍罪被判35年

    Bradley Manning Sentenced to 35 Years for Espionage Bradley Manning因间谍罪被判35年 PENTAGON A military judge has sentenced Army Private Bradley Manning to 35 years in prison for espionage. He provided 750,000 secret files to WikiLeaks in what...

  • VOA标准英语2013--影片《白宫管家》重温美国民权史

    影片《白宫管家》重温美国民权史 Lee Daniels' The Butler carries the signature of acclaimed director Lee Daniels, whose fim Precious won an Oscar. Now, he tells the story of the Civil Rights movement through the eyes of a White House but...

  • VOA标准英语2013--夏威夷四弦琴奏出欢快旋律

    Happy Sounds Abound as Ukulele Gains Popularity BETHESDA, MARYLAND The unexpected versatility of the small Hawaiian guitar known as the ukulele was on display this month at the annual UkeFest, at the Strathmore arts center in Bethesda, Maryland. For...

  • VOA常速英语2013--美国即将开始医改大战

    Health Care Battle Looms in United States 美国即将开始医改大战 U.S. lawmakers return to Washington next month and they face a deadline of October 1 on how to continue funding the federal government. A group of Republicans is threatening to...

  • VOA标准英语2013--帮助处理危险情况的机器人

    Robot With Human-Like Hands Could Tackle Dangerous Situations 帮助处理危险情况的机器人 WASHINGTON Robo Sally is a remotely controlled humanoid robot that may one day help law enforcement officials and emergency technicians defuse bombs, p...

  • VOA常速英语2013--维护外太空的可持续与安定

    维护外太空的可持续与安定 Orbiting the Earth are satellites crucial to many aspects of life as we know it in the 21st century. But along with equipment allowing us to navigate airplanes and ships, to communicate with loved ones thousands o...

  • VOA标准英语2013--也门总统访问华盛顿

    也门总统访问华盛顿 Yemeni President Abdo Rabbo Mansour Hadi recently met with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry to discuss the democratic transition underway in Yemen. Yemen, said Secretary Kerry, has been going through an extraordinary tra...

  • VOA标准英语2013--克里着力培养与巴基斯坦的良好关系

    克里着力培养与巴基斯坦的良好关系 During his recent trip to Islamabad, Secretary of State John Kerry said the relationship the United States seeks with Pakistan goes beyond a transactional one based only on a few discrete issues. We wa...

  • VOA标准英语2013--进步中的南苏丹迎来独立两周年

    进步中的南苏丹迎来独立两周年 Two years ago this summer the worlds newest nation was born, an independent South Sudan. July 9th, 2011 -- Independence Day followed a historic peace agreement between groups seeking autonomy and the governm...
