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  • The English We Speak: 'Tastic': 31 Jan 2011

    Mon, 31 Jan 11 Duration: 4 mins This week Finn and Wang Fei talk about the usage of the suffix -tastic. What does it mean and what words can you use it with?...

  • 北师大版高中英语模块7--Unit 27(3)-5

    [00:00.00]We may also fall into the trap of not listening [00:02.33]enough to what the other person has said [00:04.15]because actually we may be becoming emotional [00:05.99]too and therefore we listen less actively to [00:08.99]what the person's sa...

  • 北师大版高中英语模块7--Unit 27(3)-3

    [00:00.00]Er all this information could come out [00:02.22]of their mouths [00:03.33]er but what they really should be doing [00:04.90]in that situation is asking some questions [00:07.63]to get the other person talking to them, [00:09.90]not too man...

  • 音乐咖啡厅:Jessica Mauboy - What happened to us

    音乐咖啡厅:Jessica Mauboy - What happened to us 相关介绍:Jessica Mauboy,1989年8月4日出生于澳大利亚有印度尼西亚血统,是Australian Idol(澳洲偶像)第四季度的亚军.2007年她替代前成员Ricki-Lee Coulter加入组合...

  • 北师大版高中英语模块7--Unit 24 Lesson2-6

    [00:01.42]Exercise 7 Listen again and complete [00:04.93]the Function File with words and phrases. [00:08.07]Pronunciation [00:09.64]Exercise 8 Listen to eight more suggestions. [00:14.06]Which of them sound tentative [00:16.44]and which sound strong...

  • 北师大版高中英语模块7--Unit 24 Lesson2-4

    [00:00.72]Exercise 6 Listen to the conversation. [00:04.11]Guess what the things refer to. [00:11.45]Sorry I've turned up late. [00:13.16]The Broadway- you know what the traffic's like. [00:15.68]I got beld up for ten minutes. [00:17.32]Mmm it's awfu...

  • 北师大版高中英语模块7--Unit 23 Lesson3-5

    [00:01.25]Mmmm right. You try to find out exactly [00:03.06]what the other person wants [00:04.41]and try to tell them what you want. [00:05.80]Yes that's right. [00:07.07]When you've found out what each of you want, [00:09.22]propose solutions. [00:...

  • 英语动画:What on Earth

    [全屏观看] 点击右键- 另存为 可保存这个Flash影片...

  • 北师大初中英语八年级上--Unit9 les35-2

    [00:00.00]2.1 Ask Stephanie [00:08.87]Dear Stephanie, [00:10.66]I'm fourteen years old. [00:13.12]Many of my friends smoke [00:15.54]and they often offer me a cigarette. [00:18.83]Sometimes,I feel pressure to smoke, [00:22.63]I'm afraid if I don't sm...

  • 北师大初中英语八年级上--Unit5 17-3

    [00:00.00]Exercise 2.2 [00:05.74]Now adays, parents tell us that [00:09.03]teenagers complain all the time. [00:11.24]Is this true? [00:12.62]Well, yesterday we went out into the street and [00:16.38]we asked teenagers to tell us their problems. [00:...
