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当前位置:主页 > TAG标签 > Wild
  • 英文歌曲:苏姗大妈09年新专辑首支单曲 Wild Hors

    苏姗大妈09年新专辑首支单曲 Wild Horses Wild Horses Susan Boyle Childhood living is easy to do The things you wanted I bought them for you Graceless lady you know who I am You know I cant let you slide through my hands Wild horses couldnt...

  • 流行美语 (Popular American) 337

    李华跟Larry去参加Larry公司举办的野餐会,结果迷路了。今天我们要学两个常用语:wild goose chase和face the music. LH: Larry, 你能肯定我们没走错吗?按理说早该到了啊? LL: I'm just following the directi...

  • Wild China 美丽中国

    Wild China 美丽中国 Finn: Today, we're travelling to the deepest parts of China. Jean: 今天我们要带大家长途跋涉去领略中国最壮观的地貌风景和最珍奇的野生动物。 Finn: I'm Finn and with me today is Jean. Jean: Hello...

  • The Wild Apple-Tree

    A swarm of bees settled and built hive in the hollow trunk of a wild apple-tree.They soon filled it with the treasures of honey,andthe tree became so proud in consequence,that it despised all its neighbours.Hereupon a rose-bush thus addre...

  • 英文原版对话1000个:922 African Wildlife

    Shirley: David, so earlier, I was telling you I've always wanted to go to Africa and I'm just wondering, is that whole safari scene the cliche... David: It's not a cliche, but it's something real you have to experience when you get there on the safar...

  • 英文原版对话1000个:808 Wild Life

    Todd: So, Asako, we are talking about your time in Alaska. Now you are from a major city in Japan, correct? Asako: That's right. Nagoya. Todd: Now, Nagoya is a very big city. Asako: Very big. Two million people. Todd: So, what was it like going from...

  • 原版英语对话1000个:561 Wild Vacation

    Todd: So Jeff, you're going back to Canada. What are you gonna do, just sit on the couch and watch TV? Jeff: No, I'm going to go on a trip with my father. Todd: Really, just your dad? Jeff: Just me and my dad. We are going to go back to the island, t...

  • 超级简单英语阅读:A Wild Cat?

    The cat was not moving. It was lying in the grass. The cat was black and white. It was a pretty black and white cat. It was cold outside. The cat was lying on its stomach. It was dark outside. The porch light shined on the cat. The cat looked at Siss...

  • 音乐咖啡厅:Where The Wild Roses Grow 野玫瑰长在何方

    Nick Cave素有音乐界颓废诗人之称,还有黑暗王子 哥特之王,痛苦批发商也是他的代名词, 在他的音乐里处处散发着一种无以名状的另界魔性和孤傲的诗人情怀。 They call me The Wild Rose-By Nick Cave (他们叫我野玫瑰) But my name was Elisa Day (但我的名字是Elisa D...

  • 2007-12-06, Australia's Wild Dog: Dingo

    Australia's wild dog, the dingo is on the prowl. Today it hunts alone. A sign the dingo was probably on the lookout for small game. But it senses a larger opportunity, a baby kangaroo called Joey makes an excellent target. Its too big for his mother...
