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  • 美国有线新闻 CNN 拜登政府发布航空新规

    The United States government has announced new rules when it comes to international airline travel and that's where we start today's show. 美国政府宣布了国际航空旅行的新规定,这就是我们今天的节目首先要讲的内容。 He...

  • 美国有线新闻 CNN 疫情下美国经济挑战加剧

    10 Second Trivia. What contributes to the most to U.S. Gross Domestic Product? 10秒琐事。 什么对美国国内生产总值的贡献最大? Government spending, Exports, Business investment or Consumer spending. 政府支出、出口、商业投资...

  • 美国有线新闻 CNN 杀人黄蜂入侵美国

    Our first subject today concerns murder hornets. 我们今天的第一个主题是杀人黄蜂。 Yes, we now have everyone's attention. 是的,我们现在吸引了所有人的注意力。 Also known as Asian giant hornets, these insects are nativ...

  • 美国有线新闻 CNN 科学家计划复活长毛猛玛象

    Which of these animals was the last to go extinct? Saber-tooth tiger; Wooly mammoth, Megalodon or Eurasian cave lion. 以下哪种动物是最后灭绝的?剑齿虎,长毛猛犸象,巨齿鲨还是欧亚洞穴狮? Scientists believe certain wo...

  • 美国有线新闻 CNN 拜登推出最严疫苗强制令 将影响近1亿人

    Today's down the middle coverage starts with a controversial facet of the coronavirus pandemic. 今天的报道首先来关注新冠疫情备受争议的一个方面。 Should American workers be required to be vaccinated? 美国工人应该被要求接...

  • 美国有线新闻 CNN 美外卖三巨头就佣金上限问题起诉纽约市

    Which of these food delivery platforms was founded first? Grubhub, UberEats, DoorDash or Postmates. 以下哪个外卖平台是最先成立的?Grubhub、UberEats、DoorDash还是Postmate? Grubhub was established in 2004, several years before any...

  • 美国有线新闻 CNN 朝鲜宣布成功试射远程巡航导弹

    Across the Pacific, the nation of North Korea is making a statement with cruise missiles. 在太平洋彼岸,朝鲜正在用巡航导弹发表声明。 This is a secretive communist country situated between China and South Korea. 朝鲜是位于中国...

  • 美国有线新闻 CNN 回顾太空行走发展历程

    Who conducted the first spacewalk, which took place in 1965? Alan Shepherd, Yuri Gagarin, Ed White or Alexei Leonov. 谁在1965年进行了第一次太空行走?艾伦谢泼德、尤里加加林、艾德怀特还是阿列克谢列昂诺夫? While...

  • 美国有线新闻 CNN 美国纽约纪念"9·11"事件20周年 进行六次默哀

    For the United States it was a weekend of remembrance. 对美国来说,这是一个充满纪念的周末。 On the 20th Anniversary of the September 11th terrorist attacks, ceremonies, prayer services, tributes, moments of silence, events like thes...

  • 美国有线新闻 CNN 美国纪念9·11袭击20周年

    This Saturday will mark exactly 20 years since those terrorist attacks were carried out 上周六是恐怖袭击发生20周年纪念日, and a number of events are being planned across America to remember the 2,977 lives that were lost. 美国各地策...
