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  • 五岁男孩做俯卧撑创纪录

    五岁男孩做俯卧撑创纪录 According to The Daily Telegraph on February 24, a five-year-old who has been called the world's strongest boy, caused a sensation when he performed 20 air press-ups.The physically demanding exercises,...

  • 英国人更健康 美国人更长寿

    According to the Daily Telegraph of November 4, people in the US are twice as likely to contract diabetes and a third more likely to develop cancer than those among similar aged people in England。 But despite this, Americans, aged 65, can expect to...

  • 英国女博士患有"嗜睡症" 突然就睡着

    According to the Daily Telegraph of November 4, Dr Allen, 35, a scientist, suffers from bouts of cataplexy, a rare symptom of narcolepsy, triggered by strong emotions-such as fear, surprise or laughter。 The attacks cause her to lose control of her...
