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词汇量测试当前位置: 首页>VOA标准英语>VOA标准英语2022年听力资料>VOA标准英语2022年(七月)>
  • VOA常速英语2022 欧洲多地爆发野火

    This is VOA News. Via remote, I'm Diane Roberts. 这里是美国之音新闻。黛安罗伯茨为您远程报道。 Extreme heat has ravaged many parts of Europe as wildfires have broken out in Spain, France, Portugal and Croatia. 随着西班牙、法...

  • VOA常速英语2022美国“积极”参与中东事务

    This is VOA News. Via remote, I'm Marissa Melton. 这里是美国之音新闻。玛丽莎梅尔顿为您远程报道。 U.S. President Joe Biden is on his way back from a Mideast tour. 美国总统乔拜登结束中东之行正在回国途中。 He s...

  • VOA常速英语2022拜登和以色列不允许伊朗有核武器

    This is VOA News. Via remote, I'm Marissa Melton. 这里是美国之音新闻。玛丽莎梅尔顿为您远程报道。 President Biden and Israel's prime minister agree on their goal with Iran but differ on how to make it happen. 拜登总统和以色...

  • VOA常速英语2022日本出台最严格的枪支法律

    Abe was assassinated Friday on a street in western Japan by a gunman who opened fire as he delivered a campaign speech, an attack that stunned the nation with some of the strictest gun control laws anywhere. 安倍晋三星期五在日本西部的一条...

  • VOA常速英语2022 安倍晋三被暗杀各国的反应

    This is VOA News. I'm Marissa Melton. 这里是美国之音新闻。玛丽莎梅尔顿为您带来远程报道。 Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan, the longest-serving Japanese leader, has been assassinated. 日本在位时间最长的领导人...

  • VOA常速英语2022 约翰逊何去何从

    This is VOA News. Via remote, I'm Marissa Melton. 这里是美国之音新闻。玛丽莎梅尔顿为您带来远程报道。 British Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Thursday announced his resignation after a mass revolt of top members of his governm...

  • VOA常速英语2022 乌克兰向西方国家表示复兴计划需要7500亿

    This is VOA News. Via remote, I'm Marissa Melton. 这里是美国之音新闻。玛丽莎梅尔顿为您远程报道。 Russian forces are trying to press their offensive deeper into eastern Ukraine after taking control of a key stronghold, Lysychans...

  • VOA常速英语2022 法国每天新增九万多新冠肺炎病例

    Tourism is booming again in France, and so is COVID-19. 法国旅游业再次蓬勃发展,新冠肺炎也是如此。 AP correspondent Ben Thomas reports. 美联社记者本托马斯报道。 New coronavirus cases have been rising in France, nearly...

  • VOA常速英语2022 体操运动员西蒙·拜尔为性侵受害者发声

    The U.S. Supreme Court's ruling on climate change has sparked intense reaction and signs of potential litigation. 美国最高法院关于气候变化的裁决引发了激烈的反应,并有引发诉讼的迹象。 AP correspondent Norman Hall repo...

  • VOA常速英语2022 美国首位黑人女性大法官

    This is VOA News. Via remote, I'm Diane Roberts. 这里是美国之音新闻。黛安罗伯茨为您远程报道。 The U.S. Supreme Court made a historic change Thursday minutes after ending a contentious term. 星期四,美国最高法院在结束一...

  • VOA常速英语2022 美墨边境人口走私发现46具尸体

    The bodies of 46 migrants were initially found inside an abandoned tractor-trailer Monday in San Antonio. 周一,在圣安东尼奥,46具移民的尸体最初在一辆被遗弃的拖拉机拖车内被发现。 Authorities say temperatures inside...

  • VOA常速英语2022 乌克兰和俄罗斯交换战俘

    This is VOA News. Reporting via remote, I'm Richard Green. 这里是美国之音新闻。理查德格林为您远程报道。 Ukrainian officials said Wednesday that 144 of its soldiers had been freed in a prisoner swap with Moscow. 乌克兰官员周三...

  • VOA常速英语2022 猴痘在非洲已经传播了几十年

    A World Health Organization committee of experts says the spread of monkeypox around the world is worrisome but does not constitute what the WHO calls a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. 世界卫生组织的一个专家委员会说,猴...

  • VOA常速英语2022 希腊加围栏阻止土耳其的非法移民

    Greece is set to further seal its land frontiers with rival neighbor Turkey, tripling the size of a soaring fence built to block illegal migrants from sneaking in. 希腊将进一步封锁与邻国土耳其的陆地边界,将高耸的围栏面积扩大...

  • VOA常速英语2022 南非某夜店20多个未成年人死亡

    This is VOA News. Reporting by remote, I'm Joe Ramsey. 这里是美国之音新闻。乔拉姆齐为您远程报道。 Russian missile shattered weeks of relative calm in Ukraine's capital. 俄罗斯导弹打破了乌克兰首都几周来相对平静的...
