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    US President Donald Trump has said Nato is no longer obsolete, reversing a stance that had alarmed allies. 近日,美国总统唐纳德特朗普称北约不再过时,一改之前警告同盟的立场。 Hosting Nato Secretary General Jens Stolten...

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  • 国家主席习近平会见新任香港特首林郑月娥

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  • 美国华裔女孩凭借一篇感人作文 获八所常春藤盟校录取

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    Soaring housing prices are driving people out of the country's first-tier cities Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, a new survey shows. 一项最新调查显示,北京、上海、广州和深圳不断上涨的房价正迫使人们逃离这几...

  • 三大运营商齐表态 雄安新区将成5G网络'试验田'

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  • 云计算产业定下小目标 2019年规模达4300亿元

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  • 狼来了? 刘国梁总教练总结女乒亚锦赛丢冠

    China's boss of table tennis Liu Guoliang said last Sunday that it's not a bad thing to suffer a big blow from arch-rival Japan more than three years ahead of the Tokyo Olympic Games. 中国乒乓球国家队总教练刘国梁上周日表示,在距离...

  • 蚂蚁金服提高对速汇金的收购价

    Ant Financial, the digital payments affiliate of Chinas Alibaba, has raised its bid for MoneyGram by 36 per cent to $1.2bn a month after Euronet Worldwide gate-crashed its original $880m offer. 在Euronet Worldwide不请自来地加入竞购一个月后...

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  • 那些拒绝将财产留给子女的名人

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