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相关教程: 打工姐妹花 英语听力


  《打工姐妹花》设定地点是在纽约市布鲁克林区,讲述两个身份背景完全不同的都市女孩的故事。Max(Kat Dennings饰)生在穷人家庭,而Caroline(Beth Behrs饰)生在富人家庭。Caroline家道中落,令她不得不去Max工作的饭店打工赚钱。两人商量着筹集25万美元资金来共同开创新事业。本栏目包含音频MP3文件以及中英字幕,是学习美剧中的经典英语表达,提高英语听说水平的好帮手。

  • 打工姐妹花第一季 第46期:卡洛琳的梦想拼图板 Max come in sit down. 麦克斯 进来坐下 There's something we have to talk about. 有件事我们要好好谈谈 This can't be about my drinking. 应该跟我的饮酒问题无关 I don't have the money to be a real alcoholic. 我穷得买不起酒
  • 打工姐妹花第一季 第47期:卡洛琳的梦想拼图板(2) That should be on your vision board. 这应该贴在你的梦想拼图板上 It is... on the back. 我贴了 在后面呢 Nice. 很好 Now unless you're willing to switch the bedroom 所以除非你愿意每隔一周 every other week... 跟我换床睡
  • 打工姐妹花第一季 第48期:自制名片 Guess what I did today? 猜猜我今天干了啥 Jesus? 干了耶稣吗 What do you think? 你觉得呢 I think the bed still isn't built. 我觉得床还没装好 No but it's almost finished. 没错 但是也快完工了 Notice anything different ab
  • 打工姐妹花第一季 第49期:辣妈款待双胞胎 If you could really get under his shoulder blades... 好好按摩他的肩胛骨 that's where he carries all his stress. 有助于舒缓他所有的压力 Don't say your real thoughts. 把真话憋回去 Don't say your real thoughts. 把真话憋回去
  • 打工姐妹花第一季 第50期:天生的推销员 Let me see what you're drawing Johnny. 强尼 让我看看你在画什么 A rat with a civil war hat. 一只戴着内战帽子的老鼠 Is that your comment on how politicians view soldiers? 你这是在嘲讽政客是如何看待士兵的吗 No it's
  • 打工姐妹花第一季 第51期:来帮忙的强尼 Oh! Max... 麦克斯 Will you come look at Brangelina? 能过来看一眼布莱洁莉娜吗 I think the spray tan lady went a little too far. 我觉得那个美黑师有点过头了 I wanted them to look tan not foreign. 我想他们看起来阳光点
  • 打工姐妹花第一季 第52期:来帮忙的强尼(2) So I brought tools... per your request... 根据你的请求 我把工具带来了 and beer I made an executive decision on. 根据自我需求 我还带了啤酒 So that's what you do with my art. 原来你这么欣赏我的画作呀 Just one and I
  • 打工姐妹花第一季 第53期:马背上的暧昧 Use three inch lag screw 用三英寸方头螺钉 to secure ledger board to wall studs 把托梁横板固定到墙柱上 aboot every 12 inches. 达约每十二英寸钉一个 Ooh! Your Canadian voice is so dull 唉 你的加拿大腔真让人想睡 I
  • 打工姐妹花第一季 第54期:装好折叠床 What is happening out here? 你在外面搞什么啊 That's the kind of pounding that's supposed to happen 这撞击声应该是等你到了床上 after you're in the bed. 活动时才发出来的 I can't do it. 我做不到 I tried. I really did but
  • 打工姐妹花第一季 第55期:麦克斯舌战四老太 Evening, ladies. Gals' night out? 晚上好,女士们,姐妹们的聚会吗 Chasing guys, eating pie, having fun. 泡泡男人,吃吃馅饼,找找乐子 This table is sticky! Run a damp rag across it! 这桌子黏死了,快拿块湿布擦擦
  • 打工姐妹花第一季 第56期:麦克斯蛋糕受表扬 Earl, I need another book of checks. 厄尔,我得要个新的账单本 The last one fell between the refrigerator and the oven. 原来那本掉进烤箱和冰箱中间了 I'd reach for it, but that falls between 我有去捡的念头,可那念头也
  • 打工姐妹花第一季 第57期:强尼的朋友卡洛斯 Hey, Johnny. 你好呀,强尼 Max has the tables against the wall. 麦克斯负责的桌子在墙那边 Oh, we're good in your section. 我们在你这区呆着就好 Caroline, I want you to meet my buddy Carlos. 卡洛琳,这是我的朋友卡洛斯
  • 打工姐妹花第一季 第58期:卡洛琳的新床 Cute, but I'm not interested. 人还行,但是我没兴趣 Besides, he's not my type. 再说了,他不是我的菜 Just say it. 你就直说吧 You're not interested in him because he's Puerto Rican. 你对他不感兴趣是因为他是波多黎各
  • 打工姐妹花第一季 第59期:推销蛋糕失败 I love this place. Looks like Paris in the '20s. 我喜欢这个地方,感觉像是二十年代的巴黎 More like poseurs in their 20s. 更像二十几岁的伪小资吧 Man, they've really cleaned this place up. 天啊,他们把这地方改头换
  • 打工姐妹花第一季 第60期:卡洛琳开导麦克斯 What's with the empty hands, Max? 你怎么两手空空来了,麦克斯 No cupcakes tonight? 今晚没做蛋糕吗 No, they're bugging me. I decided to take the night off. 没,蛋糕让我心烦,所以我决定歇一晚 Be careful with decision