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  • 美国小学英语教材5:第18课 阿拉斯加最优秀的领头狗巴尔图(5) Long before the sled reached Solomon, Balto was in charge of the journey. 早在雪橇到达所罗门驿站之前,巴尔图就开始了他的旅程。 He alone knew in what direction to continue traveling. 只有它知道方向。 Regardless of dar
  • 美国小学英语教材5:第19课 邮件必须送达(1) The Mail Must Go Through 邮件必须送达 Merlin Moore Taylor 作者:梅林穆尔泰勒 The same bravery and faithfulness that made Gunnar Kasson, Leonard Seppala, and their dogs carry the serum to Nome were in the hearts of the men and horses of
  • 美国小学英语教材5:第20课 邮件必须送达(2) On this day Russell, Majors and Waddell were sending out the first riders of the famous Pony Express. 在这一天,拉塞尔、梅杰斯和瓦德尔派出了第一批著名的快马邮递的骑手。 Up to that time the mails between the east and w
  • 美国小学英语教材5:第21课 邮件必须送达(3) Boys, he said solemnly, it is a great thing we are undertaking this day. 小伙子们,他郑重地说,这是我们今天要做的一件大事。 Our government has entrusted to us the safe carrying and delivery of its mails. 我国政府已委托我
  • 美国小学英语教材5:第22课 邮件必须送达(4) Proudly the boy conducted the honored rider out of the log house to the corral. 小伙子骄傲地把尊贵的骑手带出木屋,带到畜栏。 Frye looked over the ponies with a shrewd eye. 弗莱用敏锐的目光打量着那些小马。 Good ho
  • 美国小学英语教材5:第23课 邮件必须送达(5) I bid you Godspeed in this your first journey, and now I say 'Go'! 祝你第一次行程好运,现在我说出发吧'! yelled the mayor of St.Joseph, and he brought the broad palm of his hand down smartly upon the bay pony's flank. 圣约瑟夫市长
  • 美国小学英语教材5:第24课 邮件必须送达(6) The exact hour of the arrival of the mail from the West was always doubtful. 西方邮件到达的确切之间总是不确定的。 Any one of a hundred things might hinder its progress from the coast. 一百件事里就有一件可能会阻止邮件到
  • 美国小学英语教材5:第25课 邮件必须送达(7) True, but he had been across the plains, had fought Indians, and was more experienced in every way, was the reply. 不错,但他曾穿越平原,与印第安人作战,在各方面都更有经验, 梅杰斯先生答复说。 Still, you've been
  • 美国小学英语教材5:第26课 邮件必须送达(8) Winter and summer, the mails must go through, and in their lonely posts at remount and relay stations the men who looked after the ponies must be fed. 无论冬季还是夏季,邮件必须送达,在换马站和中继站,在孤独的岗位上照顾
  • 美国小学英语教材5:第27课 邮件必须送达(9) The Indians got me, he said. 印第安人抓住了我,他说。 It was the rider who earlier in the afternoon had passed them. 下午早些时候,正是骑手从他们身边经过。 He had spied the Indians first, and had ridden around them with
  • 美国小学英语教材5:第28课 邮件必须送达(10) The Mail Goes Through 邮件送达 A few scattered flakes of snow began to fall as his pony galloped easily along the trail by which they had come that day. 当他的小马沿着那天他们经过的小路轻快地奔驰时,几片散落的雪花开始
  • 美国小学英语教材5:第29课 邮件必须送达(11) Panic clutched at him as he climbed back into the saddle. 威廉爬上马鞍时变得惊慌失措。 Unless the pony's sense of direction came to their rescue, they were lost. 除非小马的方向感来拯救他们,否则他们就会迷路。 He l
  • 美国小学英语教材5:第30课 邮件必须送达(12) Saddle a pony for me, he said. 给我备一匹小马。他说。 Ill carry the mail on. 我去把信拿上去。 Youd never make it, he was told. 你不可能成功的,他被告知。 Snows drifting now. 雪正在漂移。 If a man was fresh, he mi
  • 美国小学英语教材5:第31课 先锋空中侦察兵林德伯格(1) Lindbergh, Pioneer Air Scout 林德伯格,先锋空中侦察兵 By Laura Antoinette Large 作者:劳拉安托瓦内特拉奇 For hundreds of years men have wished that they could fly like the birds. 几百年来,人类一直希望自己能像鸟儿
  • 美国小学英语教材5:第32课 先锋空中侦察兵林德伯格(2) This young man had planned to fly from New York to Paris! 这个年轻人本计划从纽约飞到巴黎! Such a flight had never been made before. 之前从未有过这样的飞行。 It was a very dangerous undertaking. 这是一次非常危险的任