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  • 疑犯追踪第4季 第119期:无意冒犯 Now we know what Van Hess and Abel Mindler smuggled in. Question is, how many? 看来范海斯和亚伯米德勒在走私。问题是,数量多少? What is it? 这是什么? Barrett xm109. -Barrett xm109. 巴雷特狙击步枪。-巴雷特狙击步
  • 疑犯追踪第4季 第120期:送餐员 Sameen? Not my girlfriend. 你说萨姆恩?不是我女朋友。 W-why not? 为啥不是? That son of a bitch took my laptop. 那混蛋抢走了我的电脑。 I'm so sorry. 真遗憾。 I'm calling the police. 我要去报警。 Oh, please don't
  • 疑犯追踪第4季 第121期:联调局 Abel and Van Hess brought in 20 crates last week. That's 100 of those guns. 亚伯和范海斯上周带了二十箱进来。就是说那种枪有一百支。 And we've got no idea who's got them. 我们完全不知道在谁手上。 How you doing? 怎么
  • 疑犯追踪第4季 第122期:开战 Are you all right? 你还好吗? What the hell is going on? 这到底是怎么回事? Elias. Come on. 以利亚。来。 Elias is sending his men to our house. He looking to start a war? 以利亚派人来我们地头上,他是要开战吗? Y
  • 疑犯追踪第4季 第123期:朋友 I have to tell you, I'm disappointed, John, as a friend. You seem to forget who I am, a man with business interests. 不得不说,作为朋友,我很失望啊,约翰。你似乎忘了我是谁,我追逐商业利益。 Like guns? 比如枪支?
  • 疑犯追踪第4季 第124期:搭档 He should have come out to deliver some food by now. 他应该出门送餐了吧。 Maybe they're backed up. I realize why you disagree with my work, by the way. 或许他们换班了。对了,我知道你为什么对我的工作不以为然。 Oh?
  • 疑犯追踪第4季 第125期:手机 Come on, we're gonna get you inside now. 快,你得赶紧进去。 You move and we take your boy apart! 你敢动,我们就撕了你! The phone! Where's Mindler's phone? 手机!米德勒的手机在哪儿? You move an inch, I'll blow your h
  • 疑犯追踪第4季 第126期:中枪 Crap. 糟了。 Finish it. 搞定。 Help! 救命啊! It's about time you showed up. 你也该出场了。 You're welcome. 不用谢。 John! 约翰! I got you shot. I let you down. I'm sorry. 我害你中枪了。我让你失望了。对不起。
  • 疑犯追踪第4季 第127期:纽约警方 Screw you. 去死吧。 Sorry. 抱歉。 No, that's all right. I know who it is. 没关系,我知道是谁。 Am I gonna die? 我会死吗? You got shot in the arm, not the head. 你是肩膀中枪,不是被爆头。 That was so awesome! 刚才真
  • 疑犯追踪第4季 第128期:老东西 Good-bye, Walter. 再见,沃尔特。 I want to...I want to talk to you about Abel. Okay? 我想,我想跟你说说亚伯的事。好吗? Okay. 好的。 Come on. 来吧。 It's time we had a chat about your truck. 该聊聊你的卡车了。 E
  • 疑犯追踪第4季 第129期:冬天过后 Years ago, back before the ice breakers, this water would freeze over in winter sometimes, all the way across. 很多年前,世上没有破冰机,这片水一到冬天就会结冰,整整一片。 It looked quiet, almost dead, but it wasn't. 看起
  • 疑犯追踪第4季 第130期:会议 You're sure you installed it in her computer? 你确定装在她电脑上了吗? Quite sure. What were you thinking, knocking me about like that? 很确定。你在想什么啊?把我撞成这样。 You're being well compensated. 你会得到很好
  • 疑犯追踪第4季 第131期:争分夺秒 We are being watched. The government has a secret system-- a machine that spies on you every hour of every day. 我们被监视着。政府有一套秘密系统一台每时每刻都在监控你的机器。 I designed the machine to detect acts of ter
  • 疑犯追踪第4季 第132期:国际酒商 We had a deal, remember? You get out in time or I walk. So now this happens. 我们说好的,记得吗?你及时出来,否则我走。这就是后果。 Oh, God. 天啊。 Sorry, Romeo. Think we just broke up. 抱歉了,罗密欧。看来我们
  • 疑犯追踪第4季 第133期:冰激凌 If you play nice on the playground, then after you will have the ice creams, yes? 你们乖乖去游乐场玩,等会儿就给你们冰激凌吃,好不好? Yes. 好。 Okay. 好的。(法语) Lovely children. Not yours, I hope. 孩子真可爱。但