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  • 科学美国人60秒 智能手机能识别房门钥匙的声音

    Someone who knows how can pick a door lock using a paper clip. But how about with a smartphone? Researchers at the National University of Singapore wondered if smartphone audio of a key turning a lock could be analyzed to determine the shape of the k...

  • 科学美国人60秒 濒临灭绝鸟儿忘记了自己的叫声

    Some birds are relatively easy to study. Ross Crates studies the ones that arent. Hes part of the Difficult Bird Research Group at the Australian National University. 有些鸟类比较容易研究。罗斯克拉茨研究的是那些不易研究的鸟类...

  • 科学美国人60秒 怀孕使大脑为做母亲做好准备

    Pregnancy brings big physical changes to a woman's body. But what three neuroscientists were more interested in was, what does it do to the womans brain? We were in our 30s, and we were thinking I'd like to have a baby, but look at this, look at this...

  • 科学美国人60秒 讨厌西兰花可能与你的基因有关

    This is Scientific American's 60-second Science, I'm Christopher Intagliata. 这里是科学美国人60秒科学系列,我是克里斯托弗因塔格里塔。 If you have heart disease, your doctor might tell you, eat more vegetables. A tactic that...

  • 科学美国人60秒 萨尔瓦多·达利的创作秘密得到了科学支持

    Salvador Dali's Creative Secret Is Backed by Science 萨尔瓦多达利的创作秘密得到了科学支持 Salvador Dali had a peculiar way of refreshing his mindsomething he called slumber with a key. In his 1948 book 50 Secrets of Magic Craftsmans...

  • 科学美国人60秒 蜜蜂与肠道微生物紧密相关

    Every honeybee colony has its own unique scent like a fingerprint. And bees use that scent to recognize their nest matesbasically saying, You smell like me, so Im going to let you into the colony. 就像人类的指纹一样,每个蜂群都有自己独...

  • 科学美国人60秒 蔬菜是原始人饮食的重要组成部分

    This is Scientific American's 60-second Science, I'm Christopher Intagliata. 这里是科学美国人60秒科学系列,我是克里斯托弗因塔格里塔。 The paleo diet is a popular high-protein diet that aims to mimic what our hunter-gatherer...

  • 科学美国人60秒 3D打印可以保护珊瑚礁

    Coral reefs are among the most productive ecosystems in the world. 珊瑚礁是世界上生产力最强的生态系统之一。 They're also in serious dangerclimate change and other threats are killing them off. 但珊瑚礁也处于严重危险之中...

  • 科学美国人60秒 气候变暖可以从海底地震波来判断

    This is Scientific American's 60-second Science, I'm Julia Rosen. 这里是科学美国人60秒科学系列,我是克里朱莉娅罗森。 To us humans, climate change feels like something thats happening to the atmosphere. 对我们人类来说,气...

  • 科学美国人60秒 这看起来像你的脸吗?

    Does This Look like a Face to You? Karen Hopkin: This is Scientific Americans 60-Second Science. Im Karen Hopkin. Hopkin: Its probably happened to you. You look at a parking meter or a pickle slice or the foam in your cup of cappuccino and you think,...
