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  • 《吸血鬼日记》第一季精讲 第2集14:苦口婆心

    I know you. 我认得你 Well, that's unfortunate. 那太不幸了 I don't...I don't know how But...Your face. 说不出为什么 但是 你的脸 Excuse me. Sorry. 抱歉 失陪了 Hey has anyone seen Vickie? 有人看见薇姬了吗 You're her stal...

  • 《吸血鬼日记》第一季精讲 第2集13:如影随形

    You know, that comet... 你知道吗 那颗彗星 It's been traveling across space for thousands of years. 在太空中旅行了数千年了 All alone. 孤单单的 Yeah, Bonnie says it's a harbinger of evil. 邦妮说那是灾难的预兆 I think it...

  • 《吸血鬼日记》第一季精讲 第2集12:处于险境

    What is Damon doing here? Why did he come home? 达蒙回来做什么 他为什么回来 Cause I came home. 因为我回来了 He wants to make my life miserable. 他想让我的生活变得悲惨无比 That's how he enjoys his. 然后他才能过得开...

  • 《吸血鬼日记》第一季精讲 第2集11:彗星之夜

    He's on the rebound and has raging family issues. 他尚在恢复情伤 且有严重的家庭问题 Well, at least it's an ex-girlfriend. 至少只是前女友 Wait till you date a guy with mommy issues 跟那些恋母情结男相比根本算不了什么...

  • 《吸血鬼日记》第一季精讲 第2集10:青春洋溢

    Elena.I didn't know you were coming over. 埃琳娜 我不知道你要来 I know. I should have called, I just... 我知道 我本该打个电话的 我... Oh, don't be silly. You're welcome any time. 别傻了 我们家随时欢迎你 Isn't she, Ste...

  • 《吸血鬼日记》第一季精讲 第2集09:宿命论者

    Stefan?Stefan? 斯特凡 斯特凡 I..I'm sorry for barging in. The door was... 很抱歉擅自闯入 我看门是... Open. 开着的 You must be Elena. 你一定是埃琳娜 I'm Damon, Stefan's brother. 我是达蒙 斯特凡的哥哥 He didn't tell...

  • 《吸血鬼日记》第一季精讲 第2集08:有点兴趣

    Good good.Doctor said you could come home tomorrow. 好 好 医生说你明天能出院了 Vick what attacked you in the woods? 薇 在森林里是什么袭击的你 An animal. 一种动物 What else could it have been? 不然还能是什么 Hey. How...

  • 《吸血鬼日记》第一季精讲 第2集07:逃避现实

    I picked up dinner. Tacos. 我买了晚饭 墨西哥薄脆饼 I had an urge for guacamole. 我特想蘸鳄梨色拉酱 No I'm good thanks. 不吃了 谢谢 Eat anyway. It's a ruse. 随你吃不吃 反正不过是幌子 I want to talk. 我想跟你谈谈...

  • 《吸血鬼日记》第一季精讲 第2集06:郎情妾意

    Vick.Vickie Vick, it's Matt. What's wrong? 薇 薇姬 薇 我是马特 你怎么了 No! no!Get off!No!No!No!Nurse 不要 不要 放开我 不要 不要 不要 护士 It was an animal that attacked you 袭击你的是野兽 It came out of the night an...

  • 《吸血鬼日记》第一季精讲 第2集05:逃避现实

    As Jeremy's teacher I'm concerned. 作为杰里米的老师 我很担心他 It's the third day of school 开学才三天 And he's skipped 6 of his classes. 他就翘了六节课 Mr. Tanner 泰纳老师 Are you aware that Jeremy and Elena's parents di...
