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  • 深圳地铁11号线设商务舱 与普通舱对比鲜明

    A trial run of a service designed to offer more comfortable subway travel has instead sparked massive controversies in the southern Chinese metropolis Shenzhen, with some blaming it for creating an artificial divide among passengers. 为了给乘客提...

  • 中国首条无人驾驶地铁燕房线开启动车调试

    China's first fully-automatic subway, Yanfang Line linking Hebei's Yanjiao and Fangshan district in Beijing, will go on trial in December and is expected to be put into operation by the end of 2017. 中国的第一条全自动无人驾驶地铁线--连...

  • 中国首条无人驾驶地铁燕房线开启动车调试

    China's first fully-automatic subway, Yanfang Line linking Hebei's Yanjiao and Fangshan district in Beijing, will go on trial in December and is expected to be put into operation by the end of 2017. 中国的第一条全自动无人驾驶地铁线--连...

  • 韩国地铁亮粉灯提示给孕妇让座

    Before they show a baby bump, some pregnant women in South Korea can expect accusing glares when they take subway seats meant for pregnant, disabled or elderly passengers. 在韩国,尚未显怀的孕妇在地铁如果坐弱势人群关怀座位,总...

  • 英国地铁新规:扶梯左右可同时站人

    The rules of etiquette have been tossed out of the window yet again as people are being asked to stand on both sides of escalators at Holborn station. 在霍尔本地铁站,礼仪的规矩再遭抛弃,人们又可以站在扶梯两边了。 One o...

  • 南京地铁禁带防狼神器 公安表示可能会误伤

    Sexual harassment is not uncommon on the metro in China. There has been an outcry in China after one city banned metro passengers from carrying self-defence products often used by women. 性骚扰在中国的地铁里并不少见。近日,一城市宣...

  • 英国地铁新规:扶梯左右可同时站人

    The rules of etiquette have been tossed out of the window yet again as people are being asked to stand on both sides of escalators at Holborn station. 在霍尔本地铁站,礼仪的规矩再遭抛弃,人们又可以站在扶梯两边了。 One o...

  • 上海地铁提示语:alight词义辨析

    常坐上海地铁的人估计都听惯了那句please get ready to alight,就算alight这个词再怎么生僻,听多了也习惯了。不过最近小编在地铁上突然发现,alight换成了exit。也许是觉得exit这个词更常用吧,然...

  • 歪果仁在上海坐地铁是怎样一种体验

    纽约地铁VS上海地铁 If you thought riding the train in New York was hectic wait until you been on the metro in Shanghai. 如果你认为纽约的地铁很繁忙,那就来看看上海的地铁。 小编吐槽:上海的地铁那叫一个简直...

  • 北京地铁调价方案出炉

    The authorities in Beijing have decided to open a public hearing later this month for the subway price adjustment. Authorities have discussed plans to implement a metered option for public transportation. This means Beijing will end the era of flat r...
