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  • 《天才少女》精讲 20弗兰克与玛丽的谈话

    Hey, no more math today 喂 今天别再看数学了 Is there a God? 上帝存在吗 I don't know 不知道 Just tell me 你就告诉我 I would if I could 知道的话我会告诉你的 But I don't know. And neither does anybody else 可我不知道...

  • 《天才少女》精讲 19弗兰克与母亲谈判失败

    She was weak 她软弱 Weak like her father and weak like 像她的父亲那样 像她的 Now if it's who I think it is 如果你说的是我 Kinda puts a black cloud over our luncheon 这顿饭就吃的没什么滋味了 You're still stubborn and vi...

  • 《天才少女》精讲 18弗兰克与母亲争执

    Diane. Diane didn't always think things through 黛安考虑事情不够周全 Arguably one of the brightest minds on the planet 她可是世上最聪明的人之一 Good luck going down that road 可这为她带来了什么呢 And what do you think...

  • 《天才少女》精讲 17弗兰克与母亲谈判

    So are you teaching? 你在任教吗 I repair boats 我是修船的 Please. I'm not bad at it either 别胡说 我手艺还不赖 Well, then that explains this 难怪你皮肤粗糙 They don't sell sunscreen here? 这里不卖防晒霜吗 I wear suns...

  • 《天才少女》精讲 16弗兰克与母亲的分歧

    So let me guess 我来猜猜 Our lovely principal Ms Davis 是戴维斯校长请你来的吧 Never get on the bad side of smallminded people who have a little authority 千万别得罪有点实权的小人 I thought I taught you that 我记得教过你...

  • 《天才少女》精讲 15玛丽见外婆

    An Apple? Whoa 苹果 哇 It's a MacBook, darling 是个苹果笔记本电脑 孩子 Top of the line with the Retina Display 是最先进的 有视网膜显示屏 Hey, you know who else has a Retina Display? 你知道谁也有视网膜显示屏吗 Fr...

  • 《天才少女》精讲 14玛丽道歉

    Are you sure you know what you're doing? 你觉得这么做真的好吗 No 不知道 Okay, Mary, I think you have something you'd like to say to the class 好了 玛丽 你是不是有话要对同学们说 You wanna hop up and say it? 你上台来说吧...

  • 《天才少女》精讲 13弗兰克的请求

    Trust me she knows. So, I think Mary, I think she's gotta be here 相信我 她有这感觉 所以 我觉得玛丽必须留在这学校 Today's a bad ending. You can't hit people. But a 12-year-old bullies a seven year old and she stands up? 今天的事...

  • 《天才少女》精讲 12不需要强化她的与众不同感

    Hey, you okay? 喂 你没事吧 You good? All right 没事吧 好 How do we resolve this? 这事怎么解决 You know, she could be expelled 她够被开除了 God, I hope not 天啊 希望不要开除 But if every other firsttime offender was expell...

  • 《天才少女》精讲 11玛丽的家庭

    And no grandparents? 没有外祖父母吗 Dad died when I was eight. My mom 我爸在我8岁时去世 我妈 Short version is she turned her back on Diane when she got pregnant 简单的说 在黛安怀孕后 她就不管她了 Why? 为什么 Didn't...
