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  • 英国语文第四册 第15期:海鸥(2)

    The waves may rage, and the winds may roar, 海浪汹涌,狂风咆哮, But he fears not wreck, nor need; 但他并不担心会遭遇海难,也无需多虑; For he rides the sea, in its stormy strength, 因为他骑乘在大海之上,在它狂...

  • 英国语文第四册 第14期:海鸥(1)

    LESSON 7 The sea-gull 第七课 海鸥 Other white sea-gull, the wild sea-gull, 啊,野生的白色海鸥, A joyful bird is he, 他是一只快乐的鸟儿, As he lies like a cradled thing at rest 他像是怀抱着东西般休憩 In the arms o...

  • 英国语文第四册 第13期:再试一次(2)

    These two little words gave him a fresh impulse, and he bent his mind again to his task. 这几个字给了他新的动力,他再次下定决心去完成自己的功课。 Gradually he began to find the sentences lingering in his memory; and soon,...

  • 英国语文第四册 第12期:再试一次(1)

    LESSON 6 TRY AGAIN 第六课 再试一次 I. 一、 Have you finished your lesson, George? said Mr. Prentice to his son, who had laid aside his book and was busily engaged in making a large paper kite. 乔治,你的功课做完了吗?普伦蒂斯...

  • 英国语文第四册 第11期:HESPERUS号的残骸

    LESSON 5 THE WRECK OF THE HESPERUS 第五课 HESPERUS号的残骸 It was the schooner Hesperus 纵帆船Hesperus号 That sailed the wintry sea, 驶向寒冷的大海, And the skipper had taken his little daughter 船长带上了他的小女儿 To b...

  • 英国语文第四册 第10期:温馨的家

    LESSON 4 Home, Sweet Home 第四课 家、温馨的家 'Mid pleasures and palaces though we may roam, 虽然我们可以漫游在欢乐的宫殿里, Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home! 但是没有地方像家一样谦卑。 A charm f...

  • 英国语文第四册 第9期:捕兽者小罗伯特(3)

    It was then that they made the clink, clink with their pickaxes, 然后他们用锄头发出能被救援人员听到的叮当叮当的声音, which was heard by their deliverers, and so much encouraged them in their work. 鼓舞着他们继续挖掘。...

  • 英国语文第四册 第8期:捕兽者小罗伯特(2)

    How does it fare with the poor prisoners? 这些可怜的囚禁者该怎么办呢? They were frightened like the rest by that sudden and awful noise. 他们像其他人一样被这个突如其来的可怕声音吓到了。 Little Robert left his do...

  • 英国语文第四册 第7期:捕兽者小罗伯特(1)

    LESSON 3 LITTLE ROBERT, THE TRAPPER 第三课 捕兽者小罗伯特 One morning while the pitmen were at work in a coal mine, they heard a noise louder than thunder. 一天早上,当矿工在煤矿里工作时,他们听到一声比雷声还大的响...

  • 英国语文第四册 第6期:卡萨布兰卡

    LESSON 2 Casabianca 第二课 卡萨布兰卡 The boy stood on the burning deck, 男孩站在灼热地甲板上, Whence all but he had fled; 除他之外所有人都逃走了; The flame, that lit the battle's wreck, 点燃战争残骸的火焰,...
