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当前位置:主页 > TAG标签 > 工作英语
  • 老板喜欢什么样的员工

    1.Be Productive 工作高效 Surprising your manager with peak productivity is a surefire way to impress and prove you are a valuable asset to the company. If you feel your productivity slipping, take strides to step up your game and increase your da...

  • 学习杜拉拉设定好工作目标


  • 放假比上班更痛苦

    For most of us, the purpose of the holidays is to bring peace, love,and goodwill towards all. Yet, for many, the holiday season often meansstress, fatigue, pressure, disappointment and loneliness。 对我们大多数人来说,休假的目的是为获...

  • 工作中忍气吞声易患心脏病

    Men who bottle up their anger at being unfairly treated at work are up to five times more likely to suffer a heart attack, or even die from one, than those who let their frustration show, a Swedish study has found. The study by the Stress Research In...

  • 老板如何看待“带病上班”?

    Never mind the credit crunch, if you're feeling sick then don't come to work, with employees in the banking sector particularly reluctant to stay at home, British bosses say. Almost three-quarters of employers said staff should stay at home if they f...

  • 怎样工作才会更开心?

    Of course, being happy at work depends mostly on how much you like your job. But there are also smaller steps that can boost your happiness, as well. Some of these steps are VERY small, but the fact that youre taking steps to improve your situation i...

  • 工作英语对话:盈利和亏损

    Accountants and auditors look at many different types of numbers to record the success or failure of a company but the two most important things are whether the company makes a profit or loss. 会计和审计员要看良多分歧种类的数字以记实...

  • 老外爱说的工作英语300句

    你英语口语不错,可就是说得不地道,特别是办公室英语,说起来总是带有浓浓的乡土气息。要想说得又好又地道,那就一起来师夷长技以制夷,学习下老外超爱说的工作英语吧! 1. Im an off...

  • 在工作中利用好你的五种资源

    Every employee has five sources of power to draw from. Assess your potential power sources and use them to your advantage. 每个雇员都有五种可以利用的权力资源。估量自己潜在的权力资源并善用之。 1.Personal power is all...

  • 北京人上班路上用时多

