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  • Using English at Work:05 Arriving at Work(5)

    To lock up means to use a key to close the locks on the doors of one's car or home so that other people cannot get in without a key. You probably lock up your house before you go to sleep at night. Well, I am locking up my car before I go into the of...

  • Using English at Work:04 Arriving at Work(4)

    Sometimes it is very difficult to find a parking spot in the city and people have to drive for a long time until you find one. But I don't have that problem, so I pull in, or drive into the parking spot. I make sure that my parking permit is showing...

  • Using English at Work:03 Arriving at Work(3)

    Many businesses have key cards instead of the normal metal key to get into rooms or buildings. In this case, the key card lets me pass through the security gates. A card reader is a machine that electronically reads the key card and decides whether a...

  • Using English at Work:02 Arriving at Work(2)

    I began by saying that when I woke up, I thought, TGIF! TGIF is an acronym, meaning that each letter is the first letter of another word. TGIF (all capital letters) means Thank goodness it's Friday. Some people also say Thank God it's Friday. People...

  • Using English at Work:01 Arriving at Work(1)

    ESLPod.com presents Using English at Work, a special 10-episode course to teach you the English that people use in a typical day at work. I'm Dr. Jeff McQuillan, from the Center for Educational Development in beautiful Los Angeles, California. I'll b...

  • 老外爱说的工作英语300句

    你英语口语不错,可就是说得不地道,特别是办公室英语,说起来总是带有浓浓的乡土气息。要想说得又好又地道,那就一起来师夷长技以制夷,学习下老外超爱说的工作英语吧! 1. Im an off...

  • 在工作中利用好你的五种资源

    Every employee has five sources of power to draw from. Assess your potential power sources and use them to your advantage. 每个雇员都有五种可以利用的权力资源。估量自己潜在的权力资源并善用之。 1.Personal power is all...

  • 北京人上班路上用时多


  • 别让工作"伤害"你的正常生活

    有时不论你多么努力想把事情做好,总觉得工作带给你的伤害似乎多于益处。原因可能在于你并不适合这份工作,或是由于该行业的不确定性让你焦虑,还可能因为减薪导致了购买压力。 Som...

  • 英国男性工作热情远不如女性

    Men in Britain are less engaged in their work compared with women until the final years of employment when they get a late surge of enthusiasm, according to a survey. 一项调查显示,英国男性的工作热情不如女性,直到退休时他们才...
