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  • 打工姐妹花第一季 第191期:要过真正的假期?

    I don't want to say that I'm hot. But the bacon in my pocket is done. 我不想说我炙手可热。但我兜里的培根已经熟了 We said turns were five minutes, you bastards. 说好五分钟一换的,你们俩混蛋 Oh, hi. More sauna fun. Ma...

  • 打工姐妹花第一季 第190期:美食博客写手

    I'm telling you, it serves the best vegan stew anywhere. You really should put it in your blog. 相信我,那里有全世界最好吃的素炖菜。强烈推荐你写上你的博客啊 Oh, if I write one more article about something vegan, 我再多写...

  • 打工姐妹花第一季 第189期:春假派对

    Hey, look at the book title, 306 degrees of heaven: Bacon. 瞧这书的书名,《306度的天堂:培根》 Heaven bacon. That's good wordplay. 天堂培根,这双关不错 It's okay. Not much of a crowd. Party's a little disappointing. 还好吧,...

  • 打工姐妹花第一季 第188期:家用式桑拿(2)

    I just expected everything to be better. 我本来对这里满怀期待 You know, champagne on ice, thousand thread-count sheets. 冰镇着的香槟,上千针的高级床单 I mean, the towels... They're not even bath sheets. 他们的毛巾,连浴...

  • 打工姐妹花第一季 第187期:家用式桑拿

    This is so cool. I'm hot like I'm at the beach, but I'm not stepping in any used condoms. 这也太酷了。就像置身在海滩上一样热,又不用担心踩到用过的保险套 Yeah, these are great. My friend Candice Travelstead used one to m...

  • 打工姐妹花第一季 第186期:春假的美好时光(2)

    Wow, this place is amazing. It's, like, the cover of gay gay gay magazine. 这地方也太赞了吧。不给《超基基基杂志》当封面,真是可惜了啊 Max, you have to stop reducing them to that gay stereotype. 麦克斯,别再把人家贬...

  • 打工姐妹花第一季 第185期:春假的美好时光

    Spring break is the greatest time ever. 春假是最美好的时光 You just go crazy and do shots and throw all the rules out the window. 可以无所顾忌,疯狂喝酒,把一切教条置之脑后 Oh, I've done that. But when you're poor, you j...

  • 打工姐妹花第一季 第184期:劝麦克斯度春假

    Max, guess what. 麦克斯,你猜怎么了 Caroline, you're not supposed to tell me I'm on intervention until the actual intervention. 卡洛琳,批斗会还没开始之前,你不能先告诉我我要被批斗啊 I just got offered $600 to stay...

  • 打工姐妹花第一季 第183期:密柜中人(2)

    Come over and say hello. 过去打个招呼吧 They're the first and practically the only people that ever hired us to do a cupcake job. 人家可是我们的第一批顾客,也是唯一请我们做小蛋糕的人 Do I have to? Can't I just stand h...

  • 打工姐妹花第一季 第182期:密柜中人

    Those nice smelling men in booth two just asked me if I was on the down-low. 2号卡座那两位香喷喷的男士问我是不是密柜中人 What does this mean? 那是什么意思啊 Uh, brother, I'm gonna need a little more context. 兄弟,得有上...
